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Urelyn Hazelwood

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Everything posted by Urelyn Hazelwood

  1. Hello Whenever I steer while also holding the accelerator, the steering inverts. A little demonstration:https://vid.me/zBZA (Forgive the horrible quality, and also mute the sound.) Do you guys have any idea how to fix this?
  2. That's So, I deleted all RealPlume references in all mods, just to be safe. I am just not sure how it affected your, and only your engines. Strange. Also, SSTU is amazing!!!!! I love how sleek and perfect everything looks. It's very professionally made. except for the ugly shade of orange Thank you for all your help.
  3. Deleting the patch seems to have fixed it. But here goes: 1.) I do not. 2.) http://textuploader.com/5ihi0 3.)http://www.megafileupload.com/s5yO/KSP.log
  4. Hello, Any ideas on how to make orbital science experiments, like telescope and gravmax, give science for lower and higher orbit only once, and not multiple times depending on which biome you are above, e.g. "lower grasslands orbit"?
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