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  1. sorry but how exactly does the lockship option work? do you have to be an admin to lock your ship? is there a command line i can enter in the settings file? i am on darkmultiplayer running my own server. i must aquire this knowledge
  2. I'm a little late to the party here but I've been running a server for maybe a week now and I've been searching everywhere looking for a way to set it up so that other players joining the server can't take control of other players ships and run them into the nearest planet. I haven't even been playing on the server because I don't want to spend all that time building up everything just have some kid come on there and destroy it. Is it something so simple that I'm overlooking it or is there a specific command line to control that?
  3. I know this is old but I run a Kerbal darkmultiplayer server and still trying to set things up how I want. how exactly do you set a server to PVP or is there a way to lock ships so other players can't use them?
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