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  1. I'm in PS4, radial preset, i press square+cross and nothing happens. Please help.
  2. This failure launch was sad, but for me the worst thing is that Squad is acting like nothing wrong happened, like they dont care about it. We at this moment dont have any explanation and they should apologize for this situation. About the problem, Adam123ABC reddit user may be on point: "The probable cause for the EU release delay is this: Sony Entertainment is not one company but three: America, Europe and Japan. To release a game in those regions you need to have it certified with every company. That's where the delay is being created. It's not unheard of for it to be accepted in one region and denied in another. For example CS:GO (I believe) was massively delayed on the EU stores in comparison to the US one because (presumably) the EU verification found bugs that the US didn't or certain requirements weren't met. There are multiple articles showing the fiasco. Here's to hoping that we only have to wait a week or two. They're most likely talking to Sony right now however they can't tell us anything due to the many NDA's they've probably signed." and this guy DaftMav "SCEE certification is notoriously more strict and they will give zero loves to delay a game if it does not pass their checklist. It could very well be something simple like incorrect game info for how it is listed in the PS Store, or a store or trophy description missing for one of the languages or whatever. SCEA is easier that way, not that many different territories/languages as in Europe." The deal now is how long will it take to fix this, could be done for the next week but right now i would not bet on that.
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