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Martin Moon

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Posts posted by Martin Moon

  1. The last four words of my sentence were 'if I were you'. I'm not telling you how to think I'm telling you how I would look at it from a perspective of not having any first hand experience about something I don't want to experience, I.E. 'calm'. Thank you.

  2. Just now, Majorjim said:

    Thank you for posting your own score to the game. I too would give the version I have played a 9.5/10.

     However please do try not to tell people how to think or what to do. I have not done that at all as it is rude. Thanks.


    Um I never did...

  3. Okay Majorjim, I would calm down about something I haven't and decidedly won't ever experience if I were you. I played KSP on PC for about two years up until about two years ago, then my PC died and I haven't had the coin to replace it, but I have had a PS4 for the last two years and was very excited when it was announced last summer KSP was coming to PS4. I wanted to play one of my favorite games again, and with two years of updates to boot, but of course I was a little skeptical. When I started playing I was unsure if the port was up to par, but after more EXPERIENCE I realized how well it does work on PS4, and just like on PC there are issues and they are no doubt being looked into and worked on. I'm loving it, am happy with my $40 purchase, will keep playing and would definitely give one off the best games ever made a 9/10 with the -1 point from perfect for known issues that exist on PC aswell as control scheme/mapping problems, 9.5 on PC. Thank you.

  4. Caneng, do you know there is a precise control by holding L1 or R1 in the VAB? Aswell as for flight by holding L1 or R1 and I think long tapping triangle (It might be a regular tap)? P.S. Just put a probe in Eve polar orbit with relative easy... I'm getting better.

    55 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

    This in my mind could be a game killer. Is there anyway to back up PS4 save files? As KSP almost requires you to back up game saves and also .craft files due to corrupting game bugs.

    And yeah I'm going to have to remember to back up my save data regularly.

  5. Okay I'm officially still having a blast playing on PS4. I have faith in a few months of patching up to 1.2 this will exceed my expectations, and I'm really starting to appreciate how well it does play on PS4. Theres kinks to work out for sure, but I'm honestly loving it even after my corrupted save data crash.

  6. Oddly I've had an easier time adjusting nodes on PS4 than with a mouse. However after just starting to get into a career, just brought my first batch of science from Mun, the game crashed and all my save data was corrupted... Talk about disheartening. I might have to wait for some updates, and with two companies involved in development and PS certification  that could take months.

  7. I've played KSP on PS4 for a good number of hours since launch. I started with sandbox to get right in and figure out the controls, after jumping in a premade ship I flew to Mun (ran out of fuel in Mun orbit). I was really struggling with the controls and after two crashes in the VAB I figured I would try the tutorials. They started making me feel better, as I got a better grasp of the controls, until the docking tutorial which although it went pretty smoothly it made me realize real problems with the RCS controls when mixed with the already cumbersome scheme and the lack of SAS when using the cursor (the biggest problem in my opinion) makes the true KSP experience impossible at its current state, and really just presents a game with many features locked behind the difficulty of UI as maneuvers I could achieve on PC I cannot on PS4. SQUAD I love your game and really wanted it to work on PS4, but it needs keyboard & mouse capability or at least a more well thought out scheme on the DUALSHOCK4. Thank you. UPDATE: I'm loving it.

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