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  1. Thanks for the beta version! Tried it last night and it works for what I need it for at the time (Delta V and orbit info). I PayPaled some coffee money to you guys. Thanks for making KSP even more enjoyable. I didnt realize how much I appreciated this mod until I went to KSP 1.2 and didnt have KER!
  2. Hi, Im going through the training missions of KSP on a PS4. Is it possible to "save" in the middle of a training mission? I dont see that option anywhere. I see mention of "quick saves" and "saves" on this forum, but I see no save button combo in anything Ive come across so far. Thanks in advance S
  3. FIX FOR PS4: Go to the PS4 settings; Go to Screen and Sound Settings, Go to Screen Size (or something close to that) and adjust. Ive never had to use that setting on any game before. But it works perfectly. Changing TV screen settings or UI settings had no effect.
  4. PS4 playing on a 56" TV. I tried sliding the UI control, but it only had a tiny fraction left to work with. So, it didnt make a noticable difference when I moved it. My setup is playable, but about half of the buttons are off-screen that are on the edge of the UI. I checked my TV for settings. Couldnt find any for resolution. Must be automatic. Its only a few years old. 1080p capable. EDIT: THE FIX for PS4 and TV display Users: I had this same issue and after much poking around on game settings (UI slider), and looking for TV settings (didnt help), I found a setting in the PS4 settings that I never have had to use before. You can do this while in-game to get it just right by hitting the PS button while in the game and going to the PS4 SETTINGS/SOUND AND SCREEN/DISPLAY AREA. Adjust as required and reenter the game. Works perfectly now.
  5. PS4 playing on a 56" TV. I tried sliding the UI control, but it only had a tiny fraction left to work with. So, it didnt make a noticable difference when I moved it. My setup is playable, but about half of the buttons are off-screen that are on the edge of the UI. I checked my TV for settings. Couldnt find any for resolution. Must be automatic. Its only a few years old. 1080p capable.
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