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    Norwegian Rocket "Engineer"
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    KSP (duh), airsoft, car stuff, sound systems (car and hi.fi), general tinkering.

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  1. Just searched up airsoft in the forum search and saw your post, that's cool you're into it. What gun(s) do you have?

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    2. Mjarf


      My pants are digital woodland, the rest is black. I'm not into authenticity, I'm more focused on practicality. My main focus is on gun performance anyway.

    3. legoclone09


      Ah, also was the JG G36 any good? Heard good things about them and HitGuns has them on sale for $85, thinking of getting one sometime.

    4. Mjarf


      The one I bought was a boneyard gun I bought spontaneously. I guess they're decent for the price, the hop-up was batter than expected and it was relatively easy to work on. I replaced 90% of the internals, including the GB shell. JG shells are disgusting IMO, way too tight for proper shimming and they have lots of unnecessary reinforcment that can cause fitment issues with aftermarket gears.

      They're good as loaner or backup guns when stock, and can be a fairly decent upgrade platform. The battery compartment is tiny, that's one of the things I dislike the most, I like to use beefy batteries. My main batteries are two Gens Ace 11.1V 25C 2500mAh li-po's, to put it in perspective. These batteries will embarrass Turnigy Nano Tech and even A-spec li-po's. ^_^

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