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Posts posted by stubedoo54

  1. On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:27 PM, Mjp1050 said:

    @stubedoo54, Welcome to the forums and to KSP! A lot of what you're describing are actually features of the final game, not shortcomings. Most of your complaints can be solved with a little practice and perhaps a look in the Tutorials section of the forum.

    Actually, there is. Go to map view, click on the place you want to observe, and click on Activate Navigation.

    Although you don't actually need the navigation if you have Map View anyways. Just head in the general direction of the survey area, and when you arrive, you'll see green text that says "You are now entering area RPHW72 Alpha" or something along those lines.

    Ridiculous, yes. Unachievable, no. All contracts are achievable with enough patience and a properly designed ship. It's part of the challenge. :D

    I took a look at your other thread, and I think Red Iron Crown has solved the problem for you. It doesn't seem like you are attaching the boosters to the decouples, but rather to the rocket itself? You need to put the cursor over the decoupler if you want to attach anything to it. 

    You don't actually need to have pinpoint accuracy with the burn indicator. If you miss the maneuver node by a few seconds, it doesn't really matter, so long as you still burn for the designated amount of time. You'll still get to where you need to go.

    Though that control scheme does seem unnecessarily convoluted; I can see why you got frustrated.

    Heh. We all had that feeling when we first started the game. Again, I'd like to recommend you to the Tutorials sub-forum, particularly here for plane design.


    If they deactivated after every use, then you'd have to re-click them constantly, whereas the current system allows you to only click once to get to a new mode. This current model is an intended feature.

    KSP calculates physics on each and every part that you put on a rocket, so the higher the part count, the less FPS you get. There's no way around that; you'll have to learn to live with it.



    Anyways, I hope this has clarified a few of your problems. Hope to see you around!

    First off i played through tutorial several times.

    There is no activate navagation. When you enter map mode and click on target a box appears and only the target name the box below where it supposed to say target nav is blank. I am not the only poster who has stated this.

    Randomised missions ok so how do you test a 45 engine during splashdown when it does not fire under water ther are numourus others just like that.

    boosters that dont seperate. I spend alot of time making sure that they are in the right position. Mainly due to the curser jump being to sensitive. one click to the left and move three anothe click right and it moves two. My point is i spend alot of time making sure they are bang on centre and should they not seperate i return to hanger and ajust hight. not jus to booster but the decoupler as well and still they stay stuck.

    the only plane i got to fly was a self made plane i got from youtube a guy on there cant remember his name. Daft really because he says his name in all 33 vids. But he got a weasly engine early in his tech tree which we dont get so i had to advance my tech tree to find similar. There is another early on that i recently discovered i will try out. Yet all the stock planes for me crash and burn regardless of how delicate iam with throttle or lift. And again i am not the only poster.

    I'll give you tool buttons

    I still claim rcs on eva is problem the strengh of it needs lowering a notch or two and the ship touch window needs widening anotch.

    The fps on a game as small as this should not drop to 5 fps. If other games far more graphicly complicated can sustain 30 to 50 and ocaisionly 60. high constant fps fot ksp should be a walk in the park.

    And lastly i would like to say my intention is not to diss the game but gripe about those things that on occasion make it unplayble. For themost part i have found it most enjoyable and have clocked up easily 80 to 100 hours since purchase. And a word from the devs wouldnt go amiss either. Even just acknowledement of there awareness of the problems.

  2. I agree with the op. This game should have been released as a game preview and at least half the price. So we have science mode which is basicaly a sandbox which soon becomes boring due to the bugs. And then there is career mode. This is one serious messed up mode. Lets look at its short commings.

    No navagation activation to complete observe missions

    A randomised contract builder that offers ridiculous unacheivable missions

    Build parts that dont do what it says on the can the TT-38k radial decoupler for example after several hours play fails to eject the boosters from your main stage rocket. This is a must given its a game about building rockets and going to space.

    Having to press the B button several times before anything happens

    This one really anoyed me almost threw my joystick at the tv on the Nth time. having to click the left stick twice when you want to say activate a burn. For example you set a manouver node you come out of map mode you press left stick to remove the curser and take control of your nav ball and thrust. You get to the time to initiate burn press right bumper and up on the direction pad and nada nothing happens by the time you have realised you need to click for the curser and click again you have missed your burn point urrrrg

    All stock planes and most you build yourself including those that work perfectly well on the pc just crash and burn regardless of amount of thrust applied

    Tool buttons in hanger dont deactivate once used

    Also after several hours play parts start doing weired configerations other than that which you want to apply when building aircraft this needs a game reset

    Real crapy fps in some situations sometimes down to 5fps

    Corrupt game saves after several hours play

    Kerbal RCS on EVA does not work properly in space

    I could go on but i guess your bored by now. Each one on its own is miner but lumped together the game is unplayable. In all honesty this consul version should not have been released in this state its unforgivable. If it was game preview and slightly cheaper these faults would be tolerable with the understanding its a preview. Its a shame because this is a really good game when it works properly better than good even. It even offers a great deal of knowlege for youngsters regarding airodynamics and other sciencey stuff. Unfortunatly it has not helped with my spelling mmm no biggy.




  3. For some reason the TT-38K decoupler is not doing what it says on the can. Ive tried them with three types of booster and one i created myself. The only booster they work on is the hammer well for me anyway. It becomes a problem because i then have the extra weight to try and get an orbit and at a much lesser speed and using more fuel which in turn prevents me from getting to mun for example. Is this a bug or should i be using a bigger decoupler if one exists that is.

  4. So im going through the tutorial and im doing the one were you build your first major rocket for orbiting kerbin. Near the end of the tutorial Kerbal green is it tells me to rotate the rocket so has to get an easterly launch after twisting and turning the rocket by selecting pod eventualy the NEXT sign lights up telling me ive placed the rocket in a position for an easterly launch. This position is with the rocket in a horizontal position with the engines facing the hanger opening. The next wouldnt light up if it was not in the right position right ok. Now you cant test this rocket has that is in the next tutorial. Thing is i am now playing career mode and at the point where i can build my first orbiting craft. So after build i want a easterly launch right it say so in the tutorial. So while in the hanger i put my rocket in the same position has the tutorial asked me to do east is best right. Howerver on taking the rocket to the launch site i find its on its belly horizontl a position that you can not launch from. To my question. Whats that all about?

  5. Hi fellow travelers. I am curently on the advanced construction mission of the tutorial. I get as far as completeing my rocket when i am then asked to select the pod and move or rotate the rocket 90 degrees this is while the rocket is still in the construction bay. No matter what buttons or direction pad i press nothing seems to move the rocket from its north facing point. I have tried several times only to have the ship totaly disapear i think after pressing the B button. Because of that i saved the ship before getting to this point but when its reloaded the kerbal goes back to the begining of the lesson where you select the pod first. So that means i have to restart the scenereo. Can someone please tell me how you change the rocket angle while its still in the construction building. Many thanks and greatful apreciation for an answer.

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