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Posts posted by Polaris111

  1. On 1/23/2018 at 3:20 PM, Brainpop14 said:

    Does anyone have full confirmation that this works reliably in 1.3.1 yet?

    I've been using LLL in 1.3.1 and so far cockpits, engines, and RCS work, but fuel tanks don't work at all. I suspect that it has something to do with the fuel switching thing, but for the moment if you plan on using LLL in 1.3.1 be prepared to have to use other fuel tanks entirely, or offset them into LLL cargo bays to retain the boxy look of LLL ships. Other than that, I haven't found any issues.

  2. On 3/7/2017 at 2:46 AM, jrodriguez said:

    Yes, and that is the reason why it is not an option for BDArmory. BDArmory needs a high performance Multiplayer.

    LMP stands for LunaMultiplayer. Is a very alpha multiplayer mod based on DMP. You will have to manual recompile it from https://github.com/DaggerES/LunaMultiPlayer


    Wait so is BDarmory currently working with LMP? as in, you can have dogfights with your friends and such?

  3. 1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    The version you are running is not compatible with 1.1.3.  I would suggest trying the following:

    Find and delete the Klockeed dll (it's not needed)

    Replace the Firespitter with the current version (7.3.0)

    Try running, if you still get problems, try removing some of the other things that are causing problems visible in the log file.

    Regarding the list of other exceptions, it was simply a comment that you have other problems unrelated to Firespitter, but which may be causing problems with firespitter

    well, thanks for the help then, but at the moment, after arguing with the game for so long, I have yet to crash in the last 8 hours as opposed to every 5 minutes, so, whatever I am doing now seems to be working

  4. 1 minute ago, Deimos Rast said:

    hah, fair enough. It's out of date though (you have 2.0.0 and the latest is 2.0.2).

    I'd delete Klockheed.


    Firespitter v7.1.6016.23694..............? Should read v7.30, no? Don't you already have Firespitter from USI? This is the link to the latest version.

    Latest version causes... "complications" or it could be something else, I really don't know anything except for once I used the one from the QuizTechAero beta that it stopped crashing entirely



    1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I see  exceptions from B9, ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, IsolatedStorageExceptions, etc.

    ah, I see, it all makes so much sense now because of the.... yes! ( I have no idea what I am supposed to do with that knowledge)

  5. 15 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Send me the log file anyway, it has information not necessarily related to the crash which would be useful.

    However, one thing I don't see in any of your messages is what version of KSP you are running.  I need to know, because, some of what I see (specifically BDarmory) is not compatible with 1.1.3.  Also, look for another version of Firespitter in some of the other directories

    I'm running 1.1.3. 1289 (x64) , and about BDarmory, some of the mods are outdated, but I either updated them myself for personal use or found someone in their forums who made a beta. I dont know what you mean about finding a new version of firespitter, the one from the quiztechaero beta works just fine. Lastly, how do you want me to send the output log? I don't see a way to directly upload the document

    Just in case I preemptively made a dropbox link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/2c2zjxkqjssppv0/output_log.txt?dl=0

  6. 1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    That's very interesting, since it is the current version of FireSpitter (I just double-checked).

    Please provide a copy of the output_log.txt, among other things, it lists all the mods that are installed (those with DLLs, at least).

    Are you running in Career, Science, or Sandbox mode?

    If career or science, please provide a copy of your peristent.sfs file as well

    I'm running sandbox mode, and as I said, when it crashed it didn't generate the crash logs so I can't actually send anything, but if you want the mods, here are the titles of the folders in my gamedata:

    000_USITools, B9_aerospace(_HX/_legacy), B9AnimationModules, B9PartSwittch, BahaSP, BDarmory, BurnTogether, CivilianPopulationRevamp, CommunityResourcePack, ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads, Firespitter (the one included in quiztech aero, not the one you included), FShangarExtender, IRsequencer-1.0-Final, JSI, KAS, KIS, KerbalJointReinforcement, Kerbaltek, KIS, Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal, LLL & LLL-Extra (the ones you posted), MagicSmokeIndustries, PrakasaAeroworks, QuiztechAero, Smokescreen, Tweakscale, UmbraSpaceIndustries, and ModuleManager 2.6.25 

    Some of those mods are outdated, but I either updated them myself for personal use or am using a beta version from one of their respective forum posts


  7. 2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    It's not you, and I'm not upset.  Read the post above to find out what you need.  I will be happy to help, once I have something other than "it's broken"  :-)

    If there are problems, then they will be fixed, but we need the logs.


    Actually, After a 6 hour long argument with KSP I found out that it was the version of firespitter you included that was causing the issue. Before  you ask, no I don't have any logs to back it up, but it seems as if it disagrees with other mods that I have. I would have brought logs to help prove my case, but when the game crashed, it didn't actually generate any crash logs. Sorry for the confusion, I'll do what I can to see if I can isolate what firespitter is actually disagreeing with

  8. 16 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Still need logs.

    so, when you take your car to a mechanic, do  you say "fix it" and just leave, or do you tell him what is wrong, symptoms, etc?

    When you go to a doctor, do you tell him how you are feeling, or do you expect him to read your mind?

    Saying that it's crashing without logs is exactly the same thing, and will get exactly the same amount of attention from me:  NONE

    Post logs so we can see what is going on.  Maybe it's a conflict with another mod.  Maybe there is something else.  But without logs, you aren't going to hear back from me again on this subject.

    I write and maintain a LOT of mods, and in all cases, when there is a problem (unless it is obvious like the one above when I had a typo in the version file), I (and ALL other mod authors) need the logs.  I can't spend time tracking down something which for everyone else seems to work.

    I'm sorry for wasting your time and also making you so upset. I'm not new to this game or mods, but I am very new to the community and asking others for help with issues. I didn't expect you to be so upset by this, and I don't know what logs to get or understand them myself I've tried in the past and it wasn't something I could understand. At this point I'll just drop it, sorry for making you so upset.

  9. 3 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Is this the first time you downloaded it?  

    Need logs.  This is a parts mod only, it depends on other mods.  It is also a very big mod, if you have limited memory, you might be running out of memory.


    Idk. it was crashing only in the spaceplane hangar, I'm playing in 1.1.3 on 64 bit mode and I have 32 gigs of ram on a new computer so I doubt its that, I just uninstalled it and it suddenly stopped crashing

  10. On 7/21/2016 at 6:25 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

    II have an initial release available, you can get it here:


    Feedback is asked for and welcomed, changes also gratefully accepted


    It includes the following changes:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Changelog for LLLContinued

        Changes for 1.1.3 compatiblity
            - updated included ModuleManager DLL 
            - updated included Firespitter
            - Updated LLL_CLS.cfg to addfollowing two lines to all
              MM patches for compatiblity with ConnectedLivingSpaces:
                passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
                surfaceAttachmentsPassable = true
            - Added LLL_FixLandingLeg.cfg  because of KSP/Unity issues with
              landing legs and wheels, they now use the generic 
              ModuleAnimateGeneric for the animations
            - Deleted weapons parts.  If BDArmory is ever resurrected, these
              parts will either be included again, or added in a supplemental
            - Added a .version file and MiniAVC.dll





    I just downloaded it and tried it, and it seems to constantly crash my game. I know it was this too because it didn't crash until I installed this

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