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Posts posted by EssjayC

  1. Just a quick question: Has anyone had any issues with the shadow edge refraction colour being reversed? Normally at the edge of the shadow of the planet, you'll see a red glow because of the light refracting. This is for some reason backwards in my game. Any easy fixes or what's going on? I can post logs if need be. I didn't see anything like this in the last few pages though.

  2. @ShotgunNinja

    Hey there. Loving the game so far, and I've managed to get it working. 

    I believe it was a conflict with one of the following addons, my bet is the first one:

    - [x] Science
    - KAS/KIS
    - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (Though I think this is more unlikely than the first two)

    (Note: I did not test these three yet because I didn't want to have to install yet another fresh copy of the game. I've done it about 20 times, and felt I could live without these for now.)


    Also, when I would uninstall all the addons, except for Kerbalism, the problem persisted. However, doing a fresh install and testing all my addons, one by one with Kerbalism, I was able to get the game to play normally. 

    PS: I also encountered another issue (most likely with the aforementioned addons) where sometimes Kerbalism would think a ship was running out, or was unable to produce electric charge (even when batteries would last for longer than the blackout, and the solar panels were positioned well and in enough capacity). I am almost certain that it was because of the same interaction with [x]Science or KAS/KIS

    That being said, I love the difficulty so far. It's insanely hard. Even getting to the Mun has been a challenge, and I find myself spending most of my money, science; and a ton of time planning. Bravo! 

    PS: A suggestion if I may make one: I'd love to see an interface (similar to [x]Science) for collecting experiments, rather than having to manually find and click each experiment, and not being sure if I have every biome. It becomes very tedious even when doing experiments in a single biome, but when you make a vehicle that will travel to multiple ones, with multiple EVAs and samples, the list becomes impossible to organize and use at a glance. I've been writing them down on paper manually. :)

    Other than that, I absolutely adore Kerbalism, and I think this should be stock for the hardest difficulty setting. It's breathed new life into the game for me, and I can't believe I lived without it before. The vanilla game seems boring in comparison now. haha!

    Thanks again for all your hard work. If there's a better way for me to help you test, get more information, or I can help out in any other way, I'd be more than happy to! 

  3. Hi guys. Long time player (probably +1500 hours), starting back in 0.12 or 0.13, can't remember.

    Never really taken part or contributed to the community, but I know there's a LOT of love for this game still, and figured "why not say hi?"

    Anyway, I had a few questions:

    Does every post/reply have to be approved before it's visible, or is there some limit or registration thing I have to do? Minor quibble. NBD. 

    The other thing I'd love to hear from you guys is what do you enjoy about this game? How do you typically play the game? Do you just follow missions and play vanilla? Do you use a ton of mods that totally change the gameplay? Do you only use addons that give parts that you feel should be in the game (for the most part, me, though I'm branching out here on your advice!)? 

    What are some addons/mods you guys use that aren't really obvious? I'd love to try some new combinations, or things I might have actually passed over.

    I always passed over life support addons, and communications as well until recently. I've found the vanilla game (even with vanilla com) to be pretty easy since I've played it so many times, and I've found Kerbalism and some of the new system overhauls (kopernicus mods) have added a lot more of the need to plan VERY well.

    I'd love meet some people that love the game as much as I do! It's a great way for me to take a break from work and playing Warcraft all day... haha!


  4. Hi there. 

    I've been having an issue where I have a vehicle landed on the Mun, in the Lander Can II.

    What happens is I go on EVA, take a surface sample, go back in, and for some reason, the ship is uncontrollable. The signal icon is red, even when in direct LOS with Kerbin, has an antenna, EC, EC generation, fuel available, every condition having been met that I can think of. When I landed, I could still control. It's only AFTER coming in from EVA. 

    I can re-create it, and post logs if it's necessary. I'm not THAT worried about it, and am more curious if it's a "known" issue, or if there's a possible fix that I can do. 

    That being said, let me know if there's any info you need from me that isn't here that would help. 

    KSP Windows 64 bit

    - Kerbalism
    - StockVisualEnhancements
       - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
       - scatterer
       - PlanetShine
       - DistantObject
       - jool_rings (seems to be disabled)

    - Space Y - Lifters and Expanded
    - [x] Science
    - KIS/KAS
    - MechJeb2
    - KWRocketry (redux)

    Again, no idea how to post logs, but I can re-create the issue if it's necessary, and copy/paste logs (from somewhere) if need be. 

    If you have an idea of what's messing it up, it'd be greatly appreciated. This mod definitely showed me a lot of what this game is missing, and I'd be sad to be unable to use it with other mods. 

  5. I am sad to say it is not working in 1.1.3, which clearly seems to have already been reported. 


    I did want to take the time to just stress how much I love this mod and as well I wanted to thank both the modders and the people who report bugs properly (through github and what not). 

    Seriously, this is one of the coolest mods I've seen so far. I can't wait for it to be up and running again. 

    ...steam sucks for updates though. :/ I have to copy KSP out of the steam folder just so they wont destroy my game. I lost a nearly fully progressed game that way. Working on Eeloo. :/

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