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  1. I have probably played more hours of the PS4 version than I should admit. Bugs I have run into so far. 1. Corrupt save file. I have seen this from crashes while doing a variety of things from EVA, Returning to space port while in Orbit, and Reverting flights. The work around is to routinely save your game to either a USB drive or upload the save to the cloud. Both of these require you to close the application and then relaunch it (which is not the speediest of processes). I uploaded my game to the cloud last night and this morning discovered my save was corrupt and i over wrote the file in the cloud with a corrupt file... RIP 30 hours of career mode 2. Cant set maneuver nodes suddenly. I have not been able to isolate what is causing this, but when it happens I have to close the application and relaunch. Suggestions 1. SAS to continue to function when in pointer mode ( I mean seriously the PC players are always in pointer mode and SAS still works. 2. Having markers on the Orbit such as Peri, Apo, ascending nodes, and descending nodes to name a few. to not stop you when the mouse crosses one while adjusting a maneuver node. 3. RCS control complete revamp. Set R2 and L2 to always rotate you on the x axis. R1 and L1 to rotate you on the y axis and the anolog stick for everything else. Having to toggle between the 2 different functions is not practicle and needlessly complicates docking ships (which lets face it is already a dance with chaos) 4. Move the Modifier key from L1 and/or R1. to just R1 and us L1 for zooming in and out in the map + Analog and for Zooming in and out while flying. It doing both in the map has lead to me being refocused off my ship while fine tuning a burn and has screwed it up more often than not. 5. Move some of the functions to the touch pad. (Zoom in and out would be nice here as well) Be practicle in your application of the touch pad. It is very rarely used intuitively 6. When plotting an encounter allow a way to zoom in on the encounter to help fine tune it, (Unless I am missing something the only soltion I have found is to flip the camera around and soom out till the camera passes the encounter so it is nice and big on my screen). 7. Allow an option to increase font sizes. I play on a 60" TV and sit 15ft away. The orbit numbers as well as all text in the map is insanely hard to read. I find my self getting up and standing in the middle of the room when doing any critical maneuvers in space. 8. Maybe add a way to map custom action groups to various keys using a modifier. The menu you can pull up is not overly fun to use. 9. Move the text when you EVA off center of screen. It pops up and tell you what to push to let go or board the ship but it covers up your kerbal. I love this game, I loved it for years on PC and love having it on my console. The suggestions or just from a gaming nerd who loves his PS4 and KSP and wants it to be the best it can be! Priority needs to be fixing the crashes and the corrupt saves. these 2 things will kill the console community fast. They are not use to having to deal with these sorts of things and will jump ship fast over it. Off to restart my career for the 3rd time due to corrupt save files.
  2. Yep just happened to me. I was in the process of Quiting the game when it crashed. Booted back up several hours later to find my save file corrupt. So LAME. Luckily a copy of it was saved off to the PS Cloud automagically, however it was from last night so I lost about 6 hours worth of progress.
  3. I am a bit bummed with the RCS. On PC I would use them to do orbit corrections or minor burns, but I can't figure out how to pulse the RCS so I go forward without switching to Docking mode, which is just awful.
  4. Same thing happened to me on PS4. Quick Saving and Loading and also Quiting to main menu and loading back does not fix it. You HAVE to quit the game completely and restart.
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