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Everything posted by kalikadze

  1. guys, thank you very much for helping me I tried a few tests, but it does not work for me. I am not sure, what i am doing bad. I will continue. Anyway, thank you
  2. Hello sorry for stupid question... i am a newbie, so shame on me I need to know if there is any Game Event, that can me detect leaving the game (closing). Maybe such us leaving the main menu. I read the documentation https://anatid.github.io/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API/class_game_events.html#a2712d503dade12e1339da59d781e181e but i didn't find anything usable. I also googled ! I am just trying write or maybe improve saves syncer. And this is first time, when i am trying to work with KSP API. Thank you for any advice, have a nice day jozef
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