In my Galileo install I'm testing out designs for an unmanned lander probe to Gratian. Since Gratian has an atmosphere I can't keep a Communotron 88-88 opened as I enter the atmosphere. So what I'm trying to do is have a short range Communotron 16-S on the lander that won't get ripped off by the atmosphere, and have a probe orbiting above with an 88-88 connected back to command to relay a signal to the lander. I also have an RA-2 relay antenna on the orbiting probe. When I cheat everything into Gratian's orbit the orbiting probe part functions fine, has a good connection, but when I decouple the lander part it gets no connection to the relay, even when they're right next to each other.
In short:
Lander: has Communotron 16-S
Probe relay: has Communotron 88-88 and RA-2 relay antenna
Lander won't connect to probe's signal.
Everything has power, line of sight, probe cores...what am I doing wrong?