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  1. Is there anyway to move the Precise Node screen around? For some reason 1/2 of it is off the left hand side of the screen making it unusable.I can't see practically any of it. nvm...maybe its the version
  2. Solution: Empty the PlanetShine.version file and copy this in: {{"NAME":"PlanetShine"},{"URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/valerian/ksp-planetshine/master/PlanetShine.version"}, {"DOWNLOAD":"http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/224876-planetshine"}, {"GITHUB":{"USERNAME":"valerian","REPOSITORY":"ksp-planetshine","ALLOW_PRE_RELEASE":false}}, {"VERSION":{"MAJOR":0,"MINOR":2,"PATCH":5,"BUILD":0}}, {"KSP_VERSION":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":1,"PATCH":3}}, {"KSP_VERSION_MIN":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":1,"PATCH":3}}, {"KSP_VERSION_MAX":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":1,"PATCH":99}}} Seems to be an underlying theme with some updates and these files needing to be modified in 1.1.3. Thanx to the person that had this same fix for toolbar. I just used the same idea and made the necessary adjustments.
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