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Everything posted by Moofyfish

  1. The Manoeuvre nodes seem so bad in comparison to KSP1 i just switched back to KSP1 and they are just so much easier to grab the prograde etc - i feel like i am trying to grab the desired adjust handle with boxing gloves on. Its so frustrating - deleting a node in KSP2 is also problematic for me too . This is a not 'shock of the new' scenario as i am getting used to some of the differences in KSP2 but this is a real sticky point that i hope the devs and updates fix real quick. Why is everything on the node so crunched up compared to ksp1's node manoeuvre tool which is 'finer' there is space around the things to grab. Back to KSP1 for me for a while until the game is progressed - big fan of the game and i am happy to support the best game i have ever played - I know you will fix it Devs Moofyfish
  2. Thanks Drakau, I will give that a go in Jebs mission tomorrow. When you need to do transfers, fine adjustmusts are pretty much essential. Hopefully this stuff will be sorted in an update.....I noticed tonight that when my rocket has three stages and asparagus stages, i am unable to see all my stages in the right of tge screen in construction mode....still love the game though
  3. When trying to adjust the position of a maneuver node using the central white circle option its seems almost impossible to make fine adjustments. I am playing on xb1. Love this game on pc and now console and have much patience for it....but how is Jeb going to complete the more tricky maneuvers?....hope it's me or is it a bug?
  4. Trying to fly to Mimmus, everthing has working normal up till this point. In orbit around Kerbin using nodes as per normal. Now i can not set one or remove used one! Have reset saved and. This worked briefly and then failed again. Don't want to give up on Ksp as i played for years on pc.....but this is a bit unplayable!!!
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