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  1. 1.16.x fixed the contract cancelling itself issue. Thank-you very much!
  2. Hello! First off I'd like to thank-you for this add-on, it really does make contracts worth it in career mode. I'm having an annoying issue with the new version: 1.15.x I have had this issue with each version of the series that were released to date (1.15.3, 1.15.4 and 1.15.5). This was an upgrade that happened in the middle of an on-going save, not a new save. I started this particular game using 1.14. Maybe the update to 1.15.x isn't backwards compatible? The issue, right after the upgrade, all contracts that were not stock (so in my case, "Contract Pack: Remote Tech" and "Contract Pack: SCANsat" contracts) were cancelled and remove from my mission control. They were then offered to me again (even those that I had completed before). If I were to accept a contract from either of those contract packs. The game would accept them and soon after (usually after a few scene changes) re-delete the contract and put them back in the offered category. After reading the KSP log I found multiple instances of this: [LOG 22:33:27.206] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Cancelling contract of type RT_EverythingSat (Communication satellite for every planet): Too many completed/active/offered contracts. [WRN 22:33:27.207] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Removed contract 'Communication satellite for every planet', as it no longer meets the requirements. I can provide a save file if needed. I am now going to revert to using 1.14 and revert back to a backup save prior to the release of 1.15.3 for this game, as currently, it is unplayable. (My first attempt at actually building a full RT network in career mode. This bug has created 2.5 million extra funds for me, which kind of defeats the point of properly managing your funds...
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