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Everything posted by elogateumsato

  1. Well, I guess that depends if you want to implement "gather science already acquired" or "gather experiments that can be done in the MPL". I'm actually looking for the latter since the other data doesn't matter. you could just collect a bunch of polar orbit science and fill it up easily.
  2. Yeah that may be true for stock, but in RSS there are experiments that can't be done in the MPL (hence they don't have a research value)
  3. yeah i took a peak at the developer API and it looks like the actual "experiments" themselves only have a "science value" and it doesn't have anything that mentions mobile processing lab. So it would probably require digging into how that thing works.
  4. is it possible to have science sampler run experiments i've completed already? I'm trying to fill up my Mobile Processing Lab but since I've completed the exepriments already, it won't do the science. and when i change the threshold to 0 it spams experiments non stop
  5. Is it possible to move KER windows between installs? I have multiple installs trying out different mods etc, and it would be really nice if i can just keep my KER windows the same between each install without setting it up every time.
  6. Two quick questions- 1) Is the Dawn ION Engine fix coming in soon? - it doesn't read as taking charge in VAB. 2) Is there a way to calculate surface darkness time? even something as simple as rotational period / 2 would help so we wouldn't need to check the tracking station for every planet we want to go to.
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