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Everything posted by scootz

  1. Well, the problem is that the FPS is fine (60+ FPS) before I get close to this contract, but as soon as I get within 2.4ish km, it drops to around 1 FPS or less... All the mods are the same and nothing changed between launching everything else and even the mission that got close, but as soon as I got close it dropped.
  2. Hi all! New to the forums here, but been playing KSP since almost the beginning off and on (~200 hrs now, so mostly off than on) but mostly stock. Recently, I've gotten back into it with a heavily modded game, and everything has been going really smooth so far. I have been able to launch multiple craft (around 6-7 so far) without any issue. I recently received a contract to rescue a Kerbal that is in orbit around Kerbin, and so of course I launched a craft to rescue her. The problem, when I got close to the wreckage (~2.4 km, the physics loading distance) the framerate drops dramatically. I have no idea what could be causing this, because I haven't had any issues so far with frames (getting 60fps+). Any ideas as to what is causing it? In the log file for KSP, I was getting errors saying that it was trying to load stuff from disk but it isn't there, could that be causing it and any tips on how to fix it? I tried to do some testing in sandbox, but the game crashed shortly after, so I'll try again, but thought I'd see if any of you forum geniuses could help me out in the meantime! Also, I was taking a look at the memory/CPU usage and it was staying the same. Frame drop didn't follow from the craft either, when I go to the space center it returns to normal, so I have no idea what is going on and it is annoying :(. Here is the Output File, not exactly sure what is causing the FPS drop. Errors are at the bottom of the extremely long text wall. Let me know if I left anything out that could help you help me. Thanks, -scootz
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