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Everything posted by HardestGameEver

  1. I'm a idiot. I got CKAN which got the Mechjeb going for me in tutorial. Well Mission Accomplished guys thanks to the help of everyone here and the genius who created Mechjeb I know one should really learn to do it manually but with a mod this awesome theres no point. I found CKAN which managed my other mods and yeah now everything works and I have the wonderful Mechjeb. Now space stations are gunna rock. \,,/
  2. Thank's for the reply ill try this. The main problem im having is if I speed up towards the target it throws my m/s for the target out of whack. then I have to burn Orbital retrograde and then if I point back at the target its now further away.
  3. Sadly you can't do this in the games tutorials. Mechjeb2 requires you to add either the Mechanical pod or the other thing AR202?
  4. Thanks for all the replys have tried again today atleast ten times or so. I got close about 200 metres but cant get any closer as soon as it hits around 200 metres it just does a drive by then turns on warp speed and then its out of there. Sadly the stranded ship in the docking tutorial is really small which probably makes it even harder to get close to and dock with. Think ill give up on it today, Want to land on Mun with a base anyway in my actual game. Sadly Mechjeb wont work in the tutorial as the craft the game gives you for the missions are pre built and I think you have to add a module or pod or something from that mod to your craft in order for that to work. Another annoying thing about the Docking tutorial is... The game difficulty is locked to medium and quick save and quick load are also disabled, It's awesome the games realistic but come on please Dev's make it atleast somewhat easier. The other Tutorials where cool the one where you land on Mun however I always blow up the landing gear most of the craft still survives along with the kerbal. I suck at maths, Physics and all the other stuff, yet can somehow build and maintain computers not that its that hard in fact nothing compared to this.
  5. FIRSTLY.... Sorry if this has already been asked tried looking it up and yeah couldn't see any topics. So I've sunk about three nights now into the really hard to understand Ingame tutorials. So I do all the other ones OK then I get to one called docking. This has to be the hardest Tutorial I HAVE EVER DONE. So I get the target, then I perform a manouver to get into a same angle orbit as the space station target, can do that alright. Next I have to do another manouver to intersect with the stranded space station can do that alright as well. Now onto the confusing excrements. So the tutorial tells me I should wait till im 15K away from the target. UM OK WHERE. on what meter do i look. Do I press M and look at the meter up the top? Do I look on the V-ball thing. Where. Then it tells me to go in retrograde to slow down till im following at 50m/s OK can do that. However when i do this I see the target to which it tells me to go after and well its about 90K away and by the time I get near it Im either going to fast and it flys by or its going faster than I am and flys by me. I managed to get within 500 metres of it until it then shot past me, Now I want to just chuck this game down and never play again. I really need a Tutorial for the Tutorial like a Youtube video or something. Just of that mission. I wish this game wasn't so hard. Oddly its way way easier to even fly to the moon or other planets probably because they have gravity wells. Some sort of automated system that just does it for you would rock. To the point it gets you near what you want to dock with and does the last stages of the intersection by itself. Hopefully someone can help.
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