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Posts posted by potatos

  1. Hi guys, 

    So it's pretty specific, but I have run into a rather serious issue when using the T2 Solid Rocket Separation Boosters, both the retro and normal facing ones, in conjunction with the Tweakscale mod. Whenever I set the scale of the T2s to 75% or lower, the boosters will at some point...fail? and cause my entire craft to be destroyed and send pieces everywhere at super high speed (like 2-3 km/s). When this happens, KSP will either slow waaaay down (like 1 fps or less) until all the affected pieces are destroyed, or will crash outright. I noticed it first using the T2s to bring a craft back to Kerbin, but I was able to reproduce it consistently using just a Mk.1 Command Pod and two T2s, with their scales set below the said limit. The rockets seem to fail when their fuel reaches a certain point, so with the scale set to 75% the rockets explode at about 1% fuel remaining, while it's nearly 20% remaining when at about 60% scale. 

    I opened up the debug menu and when it fails, and it spams the message, "Transform error in T2 Solid Rocket Separation Booster", and gives a Null Reference Exception of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."  It also says, "Overall bounds error in T2 Solid Rocket Separation Booster."  I don't really know what any of that means, but perhaps some of you with a better understanding might look into it? If it's worth noting, I have used the T2s in this way many times in the past (previous KSP, Tweakscale, and B9 versions) with no issues, it seems limited to KSP 1.1.3, Tweakscale 2.2.13, and B9 6.1.2.  

    I will try to provide more info if needed.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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