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Everything posted by Titan696

  1. all this hate for flying tiger, lets not forget squad gave them a broken copy of the game to port, they did their job and sent it back, im guessing squad looked at their work and either said yay rather than neigh.. it's a slap in the face that the patches that are being worked on are not released so we can all try them out, it took a week to tell us that a fix looked promising on the xbox and here we are still hopeful. a few minor fixes addressing things like resetting the staging upon exiting the vehicle could have been applied sooner no? you keep people (who paid for a product) waiting for it to be in a ready state, even tho you already sold it to us... I would have been happier with 5 fixes leading up to this rather than waiting 3 months for nothing
  2. what will come first, the patch or christmas... I gave up on the game, been playing elite dangerous instead. It's a shame I had real high hopes and even with the bugs I still knew you would fix them as fast as you could, but that hasn't happened. It sounds like they are now doing to the patch what they should have done to the main game before taking peoples money, making sure it actually works. Well thanks, I'll go play other games and maybe in a few years ill stick it on wondering whats new, i hope when i do it works..
  3. PC users have let down console users for years. We used to have a time where console games were right first time, they just worked on release, no extras, no updates. Then the PC users started accepting this "they can fix it with a patch and updates" mentallity which has led us to here. Now we are sold DLC before a game is actually released, we pay for beta testing "preview editions" of things like Ark, Pre order DLC that hasn't even been created yet. This is not because of console users, its PC users accepting excrements all these years
  4. You should check out their blog, made me laugh, "KSP is running smoothly on all platforms. It looks amazing and we're doing our absolute best to bring the KSP experience to console, and to gamers of all ages." Are they for real?
  5. It appears so, had to do it one more time to log back on, but after logging out I managed to login Thanks
  6. Is there any news as to what we should expect? Ok so you can't tell us when exactly, or even conservatively, but what are we going to get? Is this going to be comparable to1.1.1? 1.1.2? 1.1.3? Should we expect to follow similar patterns to the bug fixes? or, being that you know the validation microsoft make you dance through should we expect just a bunch of the relevant patches at once to make it stable? Are the xbox users having to wait until you get the PS4 issues under control? What should console users expect as an experience here, looking at the patch notes for the pc the fixes were first implemented within 10 days, I count 6 weeks so far and we are still just "expecting a patch soon". Is this something you will be looking at in the future or should we just be happy with what we got? I really don't want to sound ungrateful here but I have KSP on my pc and it couldn't run the physics, so now I can use the game on my xbox, sort of. I have paid twice and can't play the one i held hope for. What this information gives us is an idea as to the general time frame, if you are jumping from 1.1 - 1.1.3 then we appreciate it but that's a longer wait, are we waiting for you guys to finish it or flying tiger, again that tells us how many hands this is going through, if its in house and some microsoft validation why isn't it here already.. No news is bad news other than silence, and it feels the only news we have is just that, keep us updated more than just "it's coming" please
  7. I get it too, have had to change my password (to the same password) every time, it says the 2 passwords don't match in the reset screen but if you spam the button it logs you in. I get to use the forum for 20 mins till it auto logs me out and I need to re do the whole process.. I even tried adding my username in the "changed passwords" box as it doesn't seem to save a username by default (all it's asked for is to change the password, so that's all it tries to save) Im using firefox btw, manually logging in and saved passwords don't work, then the reset screen bugs out and doesn't like any new password, even if I copy paste the 2 passwords they do not match. I spam clicked confirm in frustration and it worked. So that's what I do now.
  8. We understand this but some kind of ETA and description of fixes expected would be nice to see. I have to call shenanigans there, this game had every bug 1.1 had on the PC, how could you not know that the version which didn't work for the PC was not going to work on console... I have been playing Ark on early access for months now, as many others here probably have, we not unaccustomed to the QA process slowing things down, but somehow a tiny studio that took a PC game to Console can give ETA's within 2 days of the process completing, and you are unable to give any hint of an ETA or idea of what bug fixes are coming. Just some wishywashy reassurances that fixes are coming, sometime in the future, you hope.. We waited patiently for the console version, since we first see it played on youtube early access by Scott Manley, There was no news for months and months, just quiet hope. EA come and went, no news, but still we hoped in silence. And then it happened. Released. Only it was rushed out, broken, not in a complete state for the enjoyment people waited patiently and paid for. We would have waited. We would have been happy. Why was a broken game (v1.1) released, twice...
  9. The workabout proposed there just reloads the game to before it crashed, pretty much what I managed to do, while it does allow you to save again it doesn't save any progress, so my ships still unable to be refuelled. I gave up on trying to dock again for the 3rd time, its not easy. Im pretty sure it was the docking that screwed me here as both times it failed to save I had just completed it. The second time I saved it on final approach and then tried just after connecting and it said no. I tried EVA, switching ships from the map, it seemed to try something switching from the map but the focus didn't change and all the numbers in my resource window disappeared. There is definitely something bugging out
  10. Have you just docked? I docked last night to swap out a scientist for 2 engineers which ended up on my science station, I did all the nasty and docked them and was stuck just like you. I tried everything but the only thing i could do was quit out and it loaded back to the last auto save/quicksave. Which I have just re done and successfully done a blind docking at night and again the moment im docked I can't do jack. Edit: just to note that disconnecting from my station still didn't let me save (was wondering if it was the combined ships parts hitting the limit), but my quicksave is now only a few minutes behind the dock and not while in orbit of kerbin. Looks like re fuelling is not an option, I loaded the save and aborted the dock and it seems fine, didn't need to restart the game like when nodes crash. For me atleast.
  11. Just wanted to add, if its a console version you are playing and the vehicle constantly pitches up without any input this is the reason, you can reset the trim with the left or right bumper and A (xbox one) or i assume X on PS4
  12. yeah you really do need to quit the game and reload, the gui bugs out completely, I tried switching ship, reloading a save and quitting out, only thing that fixed it was restarting the game. Had it one time with a guy stuck on the ladder, couldn't save it, couldn't swap ships, nothing was clickable. just had to let go and float to quicksave, when i restarted he was back in the ship. It doesn't like switching between local ships and people, anyone else finding that?
  13. I had the same last night, got it on the xbox and pc so I know what i'm doing too, seems there is something it doesn't like when you do pins. I tried to pin a couple of thermometers and it did the first set of instruments fine (barometer thermometer and goo) but the moment I tried adding a second thermometer I couldn't right click anything. Nothing on the vessel was accessible and I had to reload. Then later when I was doing a rendezvous I had the distance on intercept pinned while changing a manoeuvre node and again it glitched out leaving nothing accessible via right click. Edit: and I agree Its annoying as hell having that left bumper change ya focus on the map mode if that's what you mean. especially when it resets to zoomed fully out when you right bumper back. There are a few little things I hope they can fix, Wouldn't mind a way to map the buttons, especially would like to invert the x and y controls, they seem wrong, and who thought left trigger to go up was a good idea, right trigger always means more, left less.. Would love to see my thrust to weight ratios in the VAB, dunno if that was a Mechjeb thing or not. Oh how I miss Mechjeb..
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