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  1. As good as this game seems it will be, I'm excited to see what the modding community cooks up.
  2. Oh, that's my bad, then. I tried finding information on this before-hand, but it didn't seem like anyone talked about probe cores specifically. Thanks!
  3. Bug Report: Tweaking any un-manned probe core (i.e. Probodobodyne HECS) scales the cost in the opposite direction than it should. Normal scale HECS costs 650. 2x scale costs 230. Using TweakScale v2.2.13 on KSP v1.1.3.
  4. I don't have experience using scriptable autopilot. Even if I did, I think only a small minority of players would truly be interested in something like this. Besides, the game is quite fun to play with the mods I have. RemoteTech is one of my favorites.
  5. Thank you for responding. I was anticipating that a scan would proceed normally but not be "sent" home unless a connection was present. Perhaps that would be too difficult to implement, or perhaps no one cares about this. Either way, thanks again for addressing this.
  6. Bug Report regarding use of RT v1.7.1 with ScanSAT v16.3 in KSP v1.1.3 x64: Scans of bodies using a satellite that has no link to KSC (directly or indirectly) continue to perform as normal. For instance, in my current game, my Minmus scanner probe (biome and altimetry sensors) has only a C-16 antenna and can't communicate with KSC (I sent it out before RT was active on my game), yet my scans are increasing in completion.
  7. I recently installed RT for my KSP and I'm pretty impressed with it so far. I did a lot of research on constellations before trying to make one of my own. I was wondering if I could get opinions on mine. My goal is to be as efficient as possible. I see people making a 3- or 4-sat constellation around Kerbin, and then tossing extra sats wherever they're needed after that point. I wanted to use less sats to see if I could still get near 100% coverage. I currently have 3 sats around Kerbin for near 100% coverage of the planet AND moons. At least in principle this works. They all have 3 C-88-88s and 1 C-32 (because that's what I got unlocked in career for now). All 3 sats listed below use the 88-88s to communicate with each other and the active vessel. Sat1: Kerbostationary Orbit directly above the KSC with orbit period of 1 sidereal day (5h59m9.43s), 0 inc, 0 ecc. Sat2: Kerbopolar Orbit with orbit period of 1/2 sidereal day (2h59m34.71s), 90 inc, 0 ecc. Mean anomaly set so Sat2 is 90 degrees offset from the position that would have both Sat1 and Sat2 closest to each other. Bonus: set longitude of ascending node such that the orbit is parallel to the terminator for a long period of time where you don't need to worry about no sunlight. It's not permanent, but it is useful. Sat3: SOI Orbit (79 Mm orbit), 45 inc, 0 ecc. Sat1 and Sat2 together give 100% coverage of Kerbin over seemingly long time periods. Perhaps years? Not sure. I fast forwarded one Earth-year (dunno what that is in Kerbin-years) and everything was still lined up. Sat3 is added to give coverage at nearly every point around both moons. On the non-planetside of the moons, there may be temporary signal blackouts, but, depending on your altitude around those moons and the position of Sat3, that shouldn't happen often. Mitigate by placing a sat around each moon. I'm hard-pressed to find any spot in the Kerbin-system that I don't have a consistent signal.
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