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Everything posted by jaego3373

  1. No AA support for unity 4 on xbone? Say it isn't so! D: The reentry/aero-heating effects could do with a touch up too. A shortcut for the map would be nice too (there may be one... I've been playing for like 3 hours so I'll keep looking). And if you're going to use lights on your craft it should come with a seizure warning. EDIT: Only 1 undo history in editor?
  2. Sorry, I'm in Sandbox (so it seems to be hard coded). I'd recommend buying this to anyone that has a potato for a PC and wants to play a more stable version of KSP. I just tried flying something at 300 parts (298) and the frame rate dropped to 5-10 fps so that's probably why ha. BUT that was in an atmosphere... And I was hitting mach 1 with my big lifter quite quickly with no load so... there are the aerodynamics calcs going on there too. It might perform better in a rendezvous/docking manoeuvre with 300+ parts, but is there a hard coded limit there too? I could try science it and come back with an answer. In addition, looking at the rendering there doesn't appear to be any AA. A full list of graphics settings would be interesting to see too (texture resolutions etc.). Controls: different, definite learning curve, but absolutely doable.
  3. Hi guys, I'll just start by saying I LOVE KSP, been playing since alpha and this morning I bought the xbone version and everything was going great until I realised that the max part count is apparently 300 parts in the VAB?? Is this correct? Is there anywhere I can find a list of other limitations added to the port? (like max number of flights in progress, max number of parts in play at once etc etc.) Thanks! Jaego
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