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Everything posted by RobynNailo

  1. Thanks for the help I wasn't sure if it was a bug or not, and its been long enough since I have been in a stock system that I had no idea if I was just miss remembering what should be happening. Also, been using this mod for... some time now, back when all stock had was the pretty fireball with no actual effect, and just wanted to say it was pretty damn awesome. After using it for the first time I was slightly frustrated, then suddenly could not do without it; Not using it just felt like cheating. Also sorry if I missed someone else asking somewhere, all I could find were people not understanding why they were burning up without a heat shield. I'll prob run a test with it just leaving the ablator in and see if that solves it, or just transfer science to the capsule and write off recovering that part till I have better options. I was just running close enough to max weight on that (very early career) that I needed every gram I could spare.
  2. Ok, if that is what is happening, It has been a while since I have played (maybe a version or two) and much longer since it was not RSS/RO/RP-0. I just have totally had pods in this configuration before and not had trouble. It also seemed like it was heating up a ton really high up, well before I was experiencing any substantial breaking force from the atmo. And no matter the AoA, it was never showing as not exposed, though pretty much everything else was showing as protected up till like a 90° AoA. It just seemed like it was heating up a ton way higher and way earlier than it should be, from a pretty tame entry angle (like old DRE obvs but I am pretty sure I have returned the three seater capsule without a heat shield on a more aggressive reentry angle from higher orbit.) Does DRE/stock now actually model the occlusion zone properly so it tapers back in like that? Also, should it be heating up that high and that fast? (not trying to be a dick, just trying to understand ) It also if left to its own devices seemed to be heating up about as fast as the heat shield, which unless I am understanding improperly seems odd as it would be at least slightly less exposed even if the occlusion zone was not big enough Also, if this is Working as Intended™ How is that modeled, and how should I be building/working with that in the future? Thanks for the help, I spent a couple of hours doing searches trying to figure out what the heck was going on.
  3. So I am having a weird issue. Trying a game in the Stock Kerbal system, playing with the SETI re-balance, and I was trying to reenter the 1 kerbal capsule. Ap at ~80, Pe at ~40. The capsule had a science bay with some stuff in it, and a heatshield under the bay, so I had unloaded the Ablator from the capsule for weight concerns. Even oriented correctly it started generating heat very quickly around 65-60k, and rapidly exploded lower even with me trying to put it into a roll or something to decrease heat. I have spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and have struck out, so I figured I would try posting here. Sorry if I forgot anything important >.<. **EDIT** Grabbed a pic with the thermal overlay on, and some thermal data showing. Looks like maybe the game isn't thinking the pod is behind the heatshield?
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