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Posts posted by kingy4500

  1. SO made a planet, added an atmosphere. Now I want the sky to change colour in the sun light but it just sits at black, also the rim colour appears to be just a shine over the planets texture and nothing more. Any help tips etc. would be appreciated.

  2. So every time I got sign in it says my password is incorrect, so I go to reset the password to the same exact password I reset it too last time I had to sign in, and it say passwords do not match constant, no matter what I write, so I tried then it said you are not awaiting a password rest!!!! the love! so I go back to the email to click the reset link again and boom im signed in!!! anyone know what this is, like literally I use my password its incorrect, I typoe 2 exact matching passwords in they do not match ever... then it tells me im not awaiting a password reset. Literally lost for words...............

  3. Im having problems with atmosphere, I added one, now my planet is shiny at distance like way too bright. The texture looks all wet, and I don't like it. Also I want to make the sky coloured when its sunny as of now its just black in atmosphere, the planet is a dres clone and ive heard maybe changing it to a planet already with atmosphere as a clone will help, but all it does is my planet look red instead of its texture colour. I've searched tutorials but im a noob and those tutorials do nothing for me really, they got me so far, now I hope someone can help me go further. Im also having an issue with the mesh being larger than the texture and becoming a pain upon transfer over. I've messed with the fadestart fadeend numbers but im not sure they actually help towards fixing this. So, if someone can help me with my problems I will be very thankful.  

  4. Ok so got it working, but it only worked when I installed modular flight integrator/community resource pack and environmental visual enhancements. Not sure which of these is the dependency, and I have found 0 information about such either.

    Im having problems creating a body, I hit the initi... wte button and it says created body number so and so. But the problem im having is the body will not show up. Can you tell me which of the above mentioned mods is the dependency so I can remove everything else, as I think its bugging the kittopia mod, and leading me to have such problems.


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