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Posts posted by TesseractE

  1. 5 hours ago, winterfox5 said:

    With all the huff and puff about release dates and refunds (perhaps well deserved impatience, but not the boat I'm in personally), I wanted to ask about a possible hotfix before the big patch?

    I hear ya.  I'm in the same boat with wanting to play further, but not doing so due to fear of save 'curruption'.  A hotfix ahead of time is almost zero possibility, though.  The company that made the currently available port got canned and the new developers are starting from scratch.

  2. 43 minutes ago, GrouchyDevotee said:

    I have been using the usb to save, and lately I've been having to do a single mission, save, close KSP and update the save on the usb, then go back, restart KSP do a mission, and repeat.

    I'm still getting occasional frozen screens while building aircraft and rockets.

    Still occasionally losing the ability to open manoeuvre nodes.

    2 separate rovers on Minmus, and polar orbiter that I finally successfully landed there, and no achievement.

    But now it looks I've somehow managed to save a bad file to usb and so my kerbal career is once again toast.

    These bugs are starting to really suck.


    Yeah, that's why I said I copy to PS Plus Cloud AND USB. :P  Multiple USB sticks would do too...  I even archive successful saves to my laptop's hard drive.  Shouldn't HAVE to do all that, but it's kept me sane.

    That said, I'm starting to get to where I have to do more complicated stuff so I haven't touched it in a while.  I REALLY want to get it for my nieces and nephews, but I'm not going to do that until the save bug is squashed.  When that happens: Instant sale.  They LOVE creativity games.

  3. 27 minutes ago, GrouchyDevotee said:

    Sure wasn't expecting Kerbal to basically quit functioning after visiting this forum.


    What's helped me (after suggestions on this board) is to delete as much debris and old mission craft as possible.  Also, delete any saved parts or pieces that might be obsolete.  The trick is to try to keep the save file as slim as possible.

    That said, any time I have a successful save, I archive it to either the PS Plus cloud or a USB drive.  That way, I can refresh if there's a corruption.

  4. 1 hour ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    What was? (Maybe take a hint from the forum filter and keep your language in check, too.) 

    If it's about the hidden post, the post wasn't anything more than 'Consoles Suck', not adding any other useful commentary.

    Which is kind of funny this generation.  The PS4 and XBox One both have multi-core AMD processors, Radeon-ish video processors and 8GB of memory.  This isn't like the PS3 where you could blame it on the strange architecture or the Wii's low power.  They're both as near to PC as any console has been since the Dreamcast and Original XBox (X360 had a weird triple-core thing going on, but was pretty close).  Even OS-wise, the PS4 runs a variant of FreeBSD and the XBox One is running Windows 10.  Nothing too unusual there.

  5. 5 hours ago, Jumba83 said:

    I disagree with the concept of releasing anything before a final fix is achieved.  

    What I was getting at is that if they're having this much trouble fixing the existing save code, they should stop trying to make the existing code work and try a completely different method to save more reliably.

    My guess is that they just ported the PC code over with as few changes as possible to make it work, not spending much time on optimisation.  It might be saving in a structure and method that works on the PC, but doesn't fly so well on the PS4.

    Also, at this point, I doubt the embarrassment of having someone else look at their code would match the embarrassment of having a broken game still severely broken two months after release.

  6. I wonder if they've considered using a method other than the multi-10MB saves they currently use.  Does it write directly to disc instead of caching to memory and error checking first?  Could it be one single file instead of two or three?  Could the new save be put into a separate file, keeping the old one automatically as a backup?

    Seems like if it's taking this long that they might need to try a different tactic entirely, rather than trying to 'fix' the current issue.  There are plenty of other PS devs out there who've had no issues with save curruption and would likely be more than happy to share what they know.  Naughty Dog especially has been known for sharing their knowledge about PS hardware.

  7. 16 hours ago, Palaceviking said:

    I've seen some excellent builds/missions coming from consoles on YouTube already regardless of controls! I think the console players may yet give the pc master race a run for our money on this one yet.

    Stop being such a miser majorjim, we've been through all these gamebreaking shenanigans for years on the pc and it didn't turn out too bad in the end.

    I can deal with bugs and crashes.  I'm a programmer myself.   It'd be hypocritical for me to expect perfection. :D  But I have to admit I've been demoralised by the deletion of my progress.  I WANT to play more...  But it's just too frustrating to spend all this time building new craft and launching missions only to have it all wiped out with a misspelled (currupted?) error screen.

    I look forward to coming back when I don't have to worry about save nuking.

  8. Is there any particular method you can share that will reduce the chances of Save corruption?  I have almost nothing but trophies to show for two weeks of gameplay, and I've tried being as gentle as possible... Saving, waiitng about 15 seconds (More than enough time to write 10-12MB), exiting to the Main Menu, waiting another 15 seconds, THEN closing the program didn't even help.  And that's not even counting the times it's crashed at random times during flight or even vehicle construction.

    I wonder if part of it has to do with the save files being broken up into 10MB chunks instead of just being one large file...

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