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Posts posted by thelordrahl88

  1. 2 hours ago, Aaron Also said:

    Goslash27 is right you dont have a lift vector which is very odd indicating something is wrong. 

    I would start by removing any mods that effect aerodynamics, like FAR, Procedural wings, realsim overhual, ect. If the problem persists, try backing up your game data folder and saves folder and reinstall KSP. 

    Sorry that is the best I can come up with. 

    yes I did remove FAR and tried again and things seem to be working as I would expect and planes fly relatively well for how bad i am at aircraft design seems there is some conflict between FAR and some other mod i have installed tried to install FAR from a clean zip but to no avail thanks for the help though 

  2. 6 hours ago, Aaron Also said:

    The wings, filled with fuel, also have mass and as they move both the CoM and CoL move. Granted it is a bit odd to see the wings so high up on the vessel and the CoL so low, but not impossible.

    Can you replicate this issue on another vessel with different wings. Might be a bug with those wings, looks like Procedural Wings mod which I also use and have not noticed a bug of this sort. 

    I might add that the Mk IV spaceplane mod has parts that are vastly superior to the Mk 3 stock parts. Might be worth taking a look. I dont even use the Mk 3 stuff in my game.

    Lastly, you might watch some of Scott Manly's "Beginner's guide  to Aerodynamics" videos they were a huge help when I first started playing KSP. 


    here is a second aircraft using mostly stock parts


  3. On 6/12/2016 at 7:58 AM, Felbourn said:

    Once you have tweakscale you only need the ones that look different. The ones that all look the same when you use tweakscale can be achieved by actually using tweakscale. This clears up your inventory a little of things you don't need to see.

    On 8/5/2016 at 6:40 AM, harleyquinneth said:

    Hello again. So I tried a few different combinations (stock tech tree with new update, stock with the last version, community tech tree with both versions). Unfortunately it seems nothing has worked. All the parts appear in the tech tree, but the title of them says they have been removed for tweak scale. Although in the old version there was that one nose cone that didn't have that. But in the newest version it is the same as the other parts. 

    Just thought I'd let you know. I have very little experience with actually messing with mods, but I might try and fiddle around. 

    Loving project Ares btw!


    ran in to this problem as well I just removed the tweakscale cfg file and everything is running as intended on career mode not sure if this will break things if i actually try and use tweak scale on one of these fairings though

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