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  1. Thanks a bunch guys. These kind of Microsoft issues don`t stay untended for long. We`ll probably see a fix in some days time.
  2. I just find it strange that this issue haven't had broader attention in the ksp community, as the XB1 controller is widely used. (Though I get that ppl tend to be using mouse/keyboard or joystick instead) I'll try downloading the xbox accessories and see if that helps, otherwise I may just have to dig out my ol' logitechpad. (Hope it doesn't come to that....) So no other tips or workarounds? -T0ffel0k
  3. Thanks @sal_vager for the heads up, but unfortunately, this does not help me out. I know my way around the basic setup of controllers ingame, as the pad and older pads have worked on previous versions of the game. Now playing version, I cannot bind any of the buttons or axis. As I said, it seems non existant ingame. And as for calibration in win10, I already mentioned it works like a charm in other games.
  4. Hi! My xbox one controller isn`t recognized by the game. I cannot bind axis nor buttons. I`ve tried reinstalling the game, deleting every file associated with the game, but nothing. The gamepad works with other games. Tried the gamepad with both the wireless receiver and a wire. I don`t get any error messages, the pad just seems non existant. -T0ffel0k
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