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Everything posted by Pukedogg

  1. Thank you all !! Indeed comnet was enabled after the update full control of the vessels re-enabled! I will investigate the Nvidia shortcuts and now you mention it i noticed my frame rate flashing on and off during Alt F12. I did not think anything of it at the time (*stupid!) Again thankyou everyone im one happy old man !
  2. Hi All, I am returning to KSP after a few months of zero activity, Currently running in Career mode. 1. I cant open the debug menu any longer! has it dissapeared? 2. I have lost all control of numerous probes scattered around the many planets and moons, any suggestions? 3. Any suggestions how to recover these things mentioned above? Thanks in advance and please, be gentle, time is limited due to life, yes I used the search and no i didn't find a definitive answer to above q's.
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