OK, thats my first post in this forum (Hi everyone!), so what else than to show some really bad disaster screenshots? Here we go:
I buildt a big interplanetary ship, reliable for every target (so I think). The problem was - after I identified it after really a HUGE number of test flights - that the nuke engines were to close to the main shaft of the craft, so they produced no (= 0) thrust at all. I never made it into a stable orbit with this thing (which rewarded me with some really impressive RUDs during re-entry):
Still everything ok...
WT...??? Bring me my brown pants! ASAP!
Everybody ok?
At least no debris hit the capsule...
And the second try:
Hmm, looks like the booster may make it:
Erm... nope...
No, definitively not.
That was NOT supposed to happen!
Waaaah, get that capsule out there!
Made it again!
What nice (and expensive) fireworks!
The third launch the craft was heavily modified. Let's see if this thing is reliable now.