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    Staring into a Air Intake.
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    Gaming - Military Aviation - Spaceflight - Scifi - Second Life

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  1. I know that, I'm just putting out my two cents on it. If you like it, that's fine. I'm not wanting to stop you - far from it. If anything, I miss stuff like North Kerbin with its' nukes. I miss building ICBMs and what not and flinging them at targets and actually seeing the apocalyptic aftermath.
  2. I know what an EMP does, it's just that I don't understand why it would be implemented within BDAc, as it more or less does the same thing as a conventional AMRAAM? I mean, if you like the concept of EMPs, that's bound to give you a little fun, but I just personally don't see the reason behind the EMP variant.
  3. I personally don't understand the logic behind EMPs since it more or less would disable the aircraft entirely, but all in all, I do appreciate that someone's keeping Bahamuto's stuff alive now that he's left to make his own game.
  4. This is really interesting. Reminds me of Freelancer and how it works, but except this time you have to actually work to get a station, not just go through jump gates and tradelanes.
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