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Everything posted by Garsgrim

  1. http://prnt.sc/c7iv5q fixed? like i said ive no clue what im doing with ksp's modding system. Thanks for the help but i'm not sure if this will fix the missing sounds and whatnot. should i reinstall to try it? EDIT: Nevermind, it seems to work now. Thanks for the help!
  2. http://prnt.sc/c7ieau sounds folder (which is what was supposedly missing) http://prnt.sc/c7if8b GameData folder It's kinda messy, I'm somewhat new to modding ksp
  3. Not sure if this has been posted before but when I try to open an inventory outside the VAB nothing happens. Doesn't work with any type of container or Kerbals, and a message pops up about missing container open and close sounds. Thanks!
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