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Everything posted by capitaniojr

  1. sugestion, if possible build an exel tab, i did it on beguining to calculate delta v and TWR, simple and work, now i use engineer redux.
  2. you got my point, id sugest too that the space VAB should have an habitat for workers, and the VAB would only works with 2 or 3 kerbals asigned to this VAB, just like a capsule. to build this vab maybe you shuld have some pieces like -habitat -roling bridge -building materials -storage systems -power generator each of this parts should be a usable part on rocket building, so we just put a capsule on the top of a rocket and land it anywere we want build the VAb , once we have 5 pieces close to each other and an engineer in radius you would just tell him to "build a VAB". afther that we could even build fuel tanks around the VAB and conect it with a pipe(KAS) to fuel a rocket inside VAB, or take the rocket to the launching pad and fuel it rigth there. but we would always have the parts and the fuel ther, not magical parts or fuel, it should be transported from kerbin think this should be possible, but this should be toglable on options.
  3. gona try extraplanetary Launchpads, when i refeer KIS inventories i say just smal parts, for larger parts you should disasemble landed rockets directly on the VAB, and mediun parts could be taken from stored parts on containers of KIS system, but always having the containers near the VAB. i do not sugest that a kerbal could carry a 100 ton part, not even that a part that large could fit in a container, but if i have a landed craft inside de VAB's area of efect i could disasembly it and tath part would go to VAB's inventory,(its suposed to a VAB to have Roling Bridges to deal with heavy Parts), were i could use it on another craft.
  4. Hi, i do not know if it is possible, but i was thinking about the capacity to build spacecraft out of kerbin, it would be more or less like this: -i choose to build a VAB on another astro, lets say minmus, so i have to load there a series of parts of a building, lets say 5 big pieces must be landed a few meters from the place i want to build my VAB. -once i get all the pieces of my construction building there i can have at leaast two or 3 engineers that will place the pieces togueter, so i'll have the VAB. -i can insert pieces on a VAB inventory,(infinite amount of parts could be stored), it could be transported from kerbin or got from inventories(KIS) -i can even dismount other vessels inside this VAB using engineers and make the parts disponible to use on a new vessel. the recovered vessel should be transported to a place near the SpceVAB -spacecrafs built on this spaceVAB should have a maximum size and parts count. it is possible to have diferent siszes of SpaceVABs, just like the Kerbal one, do not know how dificult it should be to do that, but even a mod that could do this would be great together with KIS and KAS. would love to have a lunar rover hoking old probes landed to take parts.
  5. thanks, but i'd just thinking a simple city, just like pandaman sugested, just for visual efect, and could be just a few of them, like 10 cities on 3 diferent sizes would be cool, the point here should be the runaways, 3 sizes of cities, 3 sizes runaways,, this would not impact optimization too much and could add some more options for contracts and landing places with a refuel system, so we could have simple planes being refueled to a litle more range, this could lead to a balance on planes fuel tanks, they are too eficient rigth now, it is possible to travel around all the planet with the first aircraft i can build on carrer mode with 30 parts, having some runaways around could change the way airplanes are played in this game making it a lot more fun.
  6. like the way you think, the science should be related to things done. and science parts should gain science over time on each biome, up to a max.
  7. i believe this is not a change everyone wants, so it could be get by a mod, if anyone knows how to do.
  8. i, I'd sugest one new biome on kerbin, cities, some major ones could be new biome some of them could even have a runaway, just like earth does, where we could land and refuel if needed, and maybe alow some contracts: -goods trasnport betwen them -aerial photos or reconaiscance, (create special equipment for that) etc. sorry for the bad english.
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