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Everything posted by TacoMousatchios

  1. My newest creation with this mod! A repica of the Airbus A319. https://imgur.com/a/VRtsq This thing flies lake an absolute beauty. Let me know what you think of it!
  2. Download is down. Can anyone set up a mirror for this? I'd love to have this in my game.
  3. So, I think I'm the first to suggest a feature like this but I think that metal fatigue should be a feature in the game as this will add another layer of complexity to those who think that surving the heat and aero forces isn't enough also this would make the game less about placing struts everywhere. "How would it work?" I hear you cry, well. Let's say you have a reliable SSTO, it's served you well building your new space station, and getting you to eeloo. But one day you forget to do a maintenace check or you don't have the parts to repair let's say the pylon holding your engines to the wings and when reentrering they tair right off and you need to launch a new one. R.I.P SSTO 2Eeloo Mk3. I say that this should be an option as for newer players it might be overwheming. I'd love to see your input on this!
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