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  1. Hi, I've been having the same problem in my current career. Whenever a craft leaves Kerbin's SOI, if I switch away from it for any extended period of time and perform other missions then switch back to it, I would briefly get a glimpse of my ship before everything but the UI goes black. The battery as well as speed would show NaN and the altitude would just be blank. At that point, going back to the tracking station or even the main menu would show visual artifacts and elements not loading. No amount of reloading saves would let me recover the ship. This would happen to every ship that left Kerbin's SOI, ships within Kerbin's SOI were unaffected. From what I can tell, I think a craft outside Kerbin's SOI would be fine and I could switch to the KSC and back ok, so long as I never interacted with a different craft but I'm not 100% sure. I was also suspecting SETI Probe Parts at first, due to messages in output_log relating to solar panels. I tried creating crafts using solar panels from different mods without success, as well as editing the save file to try to remove the solar panels from an affected craft to no avail. Then I found this thread and, following Kadrush's message above, I've removed FAR and Background Processing, though I've kept Distant Objects Enhancement. Starting a new career and running some test flights, I've since not had the issue.
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