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  1. I've been playing KSP for about 2-3 months and I LOVE it. The challenge of building the rockets. Slowly getting more science. All of that is amazing to me. Ive gotten to the point where I can get to the Mun and Minmus without problems. As simple as can be to me. My problem is interplanetary travel. If I try to get to Duna as an example, I feel like I am blindly shooting in the dark trying to get there. I play around with a maneuver for 20 minutes until miraculously achieve orbit. But then I use to much fuel that I can't get a return. I also have NO clue when is the best time to launch. The Mun or Minmus is a direct shot. Duna.. no clue. Is there a mod that can help with maneuvers? Say, placing a maneuver and simply selecting a destination and the mod providing me with the most efficient maneuver. Additionally, is there a mod that can help with best times to launch?
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