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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. you can easily land on the moon and get back if you add 1 more fuel tank under the command module
  2. Can you managed to land on the moon often with that lander ? Because no fins would make it impossible to land on an inclined surface. Do you have enough fuel to manoeuvre to a flat area if the one you\'re heading for isn\'t ? Also i\'ve read you can survive up to 17 Gees for a couple of minutes given you\'re laying on your back, which is how the astronauts are placed inside the command module.
  3. I\'ve also found out if you return to regular time speed after a time warp that basically has the effect of moon suddenly hitting the brakes and tends to explode stuff on it\'s surface.
  4. there is a guy on reddit who managed to crash on the mun under 34 minutes http://imgur.com/a/4WnEv
  5. hmm but then wouldn\'t you have to give less thrust as the time increases, since the weight of the ship is getting lower, but the graph of kosmo suggests he\'s increasing thrust. Which makes more sense obviously. What am i missing here ?
  6. command module Fuel tank Fuel tank engine can orbit and return back parachute command module decoupler fuel tank fuel tank fuel tank engine can orbit, return back and safely land the command module
  7. Ok so i finally understood my problem. You have to aim towards left of the kerbin (looking from the top, kerbin on the middle of the screen and the mun directly below it) for you to be able go directly to it. Which is caused by the movement of the mun on it\'s orbit around kerbin. When you aim directly to kerbin the mun tilts your path over time and causes you to end up with a gentle orbit. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4003.0 Helped me understand it thanks to the pictures, it\'s on the front page too. Silly me, on my defence the title is a bit misleading. Anyway thanks for the replies both of you.
  8. I\'m aware there are many threads on this, reason i\'m making a new one is i can\'t understand what those are saying. What is an eastward orbit ? An orbit is either clock-wise or counter clock-wise. Anyway, so here\'s my situation, tell me what i\'m doing wrong I land on the mun with half a tank of fuel and 3 quarters of RCS left. I usually manage to land close to the the equator. I make a counter-clockwise orbit, i adjust the orbit so the Ap faces towards kerbin, I boost at the Pe so Ap is closer to kerbin (i\'ve tried various Ap distances and angles). Every time I end up orbiting kerbin with huge Ap and Pe values (last time it was 6million to 21 million) and i simply don\'t have enough fuel to correct that. What can i do to end up with a smaller Ap value ? Should I make a clockwise orbit instead ? What should my TKI orbit look like ? Any pictures or a video would be appreciated. If you\'re going to describe it could you tell me what should the Ap and Pe values be and what should be the angle between |Ap Pe| and |kerbin mun| given |Ap Pe| is on the same plane as |Ap Pe| Thanks in advance
  9. Hi there, sorry about your kerbalnauts there. Realizing you\'re on a mun mountain ,just as you\'re descending to land, sucks.
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