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Posts posted by Mauskreigs

  1. On 9/3/2016 at 5:09 PM, Mycroft said:

    Sooo forgive me for asking the obvious question, but is this 1.1 compatible, and if not, any plans at all to become so? This just looks like a really cool idea, but I don't want to use it if it won't work.

    It isn't compatible without directly editing the contract config files, I have all of the ground missions edited as well as I can right now in the post right above you and I plan on doing up the space missions asap.

  2. *edit* I didn't realize it at the moment but when I saved the files it changed the file extension from .cfg to .txt, I have fixed the download to include files with .cfg extensions. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    *edit 2* The conquer a airbase mission is a bit broken. I've rotated the ships the right way but one of them is on a hill and constantly is glitching around due to some clipping it looks, I may make a new craft for this mission or just try moving it but my efforts to move it to a stable position haven't done much, to complete the mission you need a craft landed on the island airfield within range of the targets otherwise as you approach the island from the KSC you will realize that one of the targets is glitched through the ground.

    So I've only fixed the land based missions so far and I haven't gotten a chance to test them all but here's a link to the fixed ones, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uaz4dpzzww8gvel/AAAavCsQ3Wf-JgwsvYSYyYsDa?dl=0

    To install them go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractPacks\5dim" and paste the files replacing all that you need to.

    As a side note so far it seems that all ground vehicles were rotated 180 deg. while all flyers were rotated 90 deg. so for the contacts I haven't been able to test I've just applied those rotations to try to fix them, if there are problems with the fix just reply with what they are and I'll get on them.

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