The follow up mission was a full success. Here\'s a series of images of my first fully successful return mission. Lift-off... Gunning straight for the Mun. All I am doing is aiming slightly below it\'s orbit to meet up at the apoapsis. That\'s the actual interplanetary lander. With it\'s 8 tanks and small engine too heavy for kerbin, but once in space it\'s got an incredible range. Breaking on approach to the Mun. Slowly ascending towards the surface. I am trying to negate all lateral movement. There we go, touchdown. It was a bit hairy as I slid down the slope for a bit but eventually I came to a halt. Blasting back home, again, I am gunning straight for kerbin, getting rid of all the unwanted extra weight. Breaking before re-entry. (not really needed, but what the heck, I had so much leftover fuel) And there we go, we\'re back home! I presume I could save a lot of fuel and weight if I\'d actually work out proper orbits instead of doing the brute force approach. The only elegant thing about this mission is when I meet the Mun at the apoapsis of my launch trajectory. The rest is just aiming and firing.