[EXC 00:46:44.755] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Renderer].get_Item (Int32
Part.highlight (Color highlightColor)
Part.highlight (Boolean active)
Part.SetHighlight (Boolean active, Boolean recursive)
Part.OnMouseIsOver ()
Part.UpdateMouseOver ()
Part.Update ()
[EXC 00:46:45.108] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Renderer].get_Item (Int32
Part.highlight (Color highlightColor)
Part.highlight (Boolean active)
Part.SetHighlight (Boolean active, Boolean recursive)
Part.OnMouseHasExited ()
Part.UpdateMouseOver ()
Part.Update ()
i get This stuff in the logs and a "copy" of a kerbal on the ladder if i :
1. EVA from space station with an engineer
2. have stuff in the inventory
3.reboard with the stuff in the inventory (wrenches, book,spare tank,electric drill thingy)
I DONT get it if i EVA and reboard with empty inventory . I will investigate if I can attach a container on the outside to hold my tools..
ksp 1.1.3, mechjeb 2- KAS 0.5.9 KIS 1.2.12
now after modifying the kerbal's inventory i dont get it anymore. What happened was i brought up an engineer and a scientist from the ground with tools. I crew transferred them to the space station, then remembered that the tools are in the ship and moved them from the ship inventory to the engineer inventory for the new engineer and one existing engineer. Also the exceptions are gone from the log.
this is the last exception i got
[EXC 00:47:36.178] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Renderer].get_Item (Int32 index)
Part.highlight (Color highlightColor)
Part.highlight (Boolean active)
Part.SetHighlight (Boolean active, Boolean recursive)
Part.SetHighlightDefault ()
KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TemperatureGauge.OnDestroy ()
second to last
[EXC 00:47:23.413] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Renderer].get_Item (Int32
Part.highlight (Color highlightColor)
Part.highlight (Boolean active)
Part.SetHighlight (Boolean active, Boolean recursive)
KSP.UI.Screens.StageIcon.HighlightPart (Boolean highlightState)
KSP.UI.Screens.StageIcon.Highlight (Boolean highlightState, Boolean high
KSP.UI.Screens.ProtoStageIcon.CreateIcon (Boolean alertStagingSequencer)
Vessel.ResumeStaging ()
Vessel.MakeActive ()
FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force)
FlightGlobals.ForceSetActiveVessel (.Vessel v)
KerbalEVA.proceedAndBoard (.Part p)
KerbalEVA.BoardPart (.Part p)
KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__C9 ()
KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt)
KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode)
KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
KerbalEVA.Update ()