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  1. I'm not going to get the high score with this one, but this challenge was a great excuse to build something cool. The creatively-named "Shuttle3" is designed to deliver a variety of 1m payloads in a fully enclosed bay to LKO. The mission below shows delivery of a 5T resupply probe to a 120x120 orbit and safe return. The shuttle uses a small solid and liquid fuel booster package to reach ~35km, then continues to orbit on internal fuel stocks. A single jet engine is equipped for post-reentry maneuvering and assists on takeoff. Fully stock.
  2. Scale model time! B58 Hustler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convair_B-58_Hustler) True to the original, it\'s -fast -hard to control -really hard to land -gulps fuel (See attachments for pictures)
  3. Well, I tried a replica with the C7 Pack. Think it came out decently well. This beast is actually pretty flyable, although I have yet to successfully land it... It\'s built almost entirely of fuel tanks, so it flies for quite a while, even with 6 engines. The real thing: Pictures of mine below in attachments:
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