When loading my version of ksp, (which has hyperedit and mechjeb installed, but I removed them to try to fix the problem) sometime during loading, usualy around 50%, the game freezes and closes.
I'm running ksp 1.1.3, steam version, if you need to know
Crash Report:
Unity Player [version: Unity 5.2.4f1_98095704e6fe]
KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module KSP.exe at 001b:01913c51.
Error occurred at 2016-09-11_143222.
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by Danger9800.
83% memory in use.
3243 MB physical memory [522 MB free].
0 MB paging file [1884 MB free].
2048 MB user address space [40 MB free].
Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.
EDI: 0x00000000 ESI: 0x7f10e040 EAX: 0x00000000
EBX: 0x39949e80 ECX: 0x00000070 EDX: 0x0000aaaa
EIP: 0x01913c51 EBP: 0x00afec1c SegCs: 0x0000001b
EFlags: 0x00210207 ESP: 0x00afec10 SegSs: 0x00000023
Bytes at CS:EIP:
66 0f 7f 07 66 0f 7f 4f 10 66 0f 7f 57 20 66 0f
0x00afec10: 00000000 3995a990 52ae94b0 00afec3c .......9...R<...
0x00afec20: 0145fbcb 00000000 7f10e040 00555570 ..E.....@...pUU.
0x00afec30: 52ae94b0 52ae94b0 4d40f320 00afec50 ...R...R .@MP...
0x00afec40: 0145fc44 7f10e040 00555570 52ae94b0 D.E.@...pUU....R
0x00afec50: 00afec60 01460b6f 00555570 7d610000 `...o.F.pUU...a}
0x00afec60: 00afec78 015ae722 7d610010 00555570 x...".Z...a}pUU.
0x00afec70: 00000005 4d4887b0 00afecb8 05ccc67f ......HM........
0x00afec80: 4d4887b0 7d610000 00afecb8 05c9fb78 ..HM..a}....x...
0x00afec90: 00afecb8 00aff044 056a6460 00000001 ....D...`dj.....
0x00afeca0: 05ccc661 4d40f320 00000005 00000001 a... .@M........
0x00afecb0: 00afecb8 05ccc654 00afed28 05ccbe40 ....T...(...@...
0x00afecc0: 4d4887b0 7d610000 00000000 00000000 ..HM..a}........
0x00afecd0: 00000000 00000000 00000800 00000800 ................
0x00afece0: 4d4887b0 4d4887b0 00000080 00000000 ..HM..HM........
0x00afecf0: 00000080 00000000 005555f0 00000000 .........UU.....
0x00afed00: 00000000 00000000 439f44f8 4d4887b0 .........D.C..HM
0x00afed10: 5dc0d980 00000000 00000000 42120760 ...]........`..B
0x00afed20: 4b676a50 05c86070 00afed68 05ccb6cc PjgKp`..h.......
0x00afed30: 439f44f8 5dc35930 00000000 00000000 .D.C0Y.]........
0x00afed40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afed50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 439f44f8 .............D.C
0x00afed60: 00000000 00afef5c 00afeda8 05c860b1 ....\........`..
0x00afed70: 4b676a50 00000000 00afed90 10001e35 PjgK........5...
0x00afed80: 41fc2eb8 41fc2eb8 41fc2eb8 00000000 ...A...A...A....
0x00afed90: 00000000 10001ddd 056a63d8 41fc2eb8 .........cj....A
0x00afeda0: 00afeda8 00afedac 00afedd8 100f0794 ................
0x00afedb0: 4b676a50 00afeeec 00afef5c 05ccb678 PjgK....\...x...
0x00afedc0: 00010000 00000000 41fc2eb8 00000000 ...........A....
0x00afedd0: 055d4e70 00000000 00afedfc 1005d8ab pN].............
0x00afede0: 41fc2eb8 4b676a50 00afeeec 00afef5c ...APjgK....\...
0x00afedf0: 00afef5c 00afee7c 00000000 00afee14 \...|...........
0x00afee00: 0145143e 41fc2eb8 4b676a50 00afeeec >.E....APjgK....
0x00afee10: 00afef5c 00afee54 014fdea9 41fc2eb8 \...T.....O....A
0x00afee20: 41fc2f01 4b676a50 00afee9c 00afef5c ./.APjgK....\...
0x00afee30: 00000001 00afef5c 00000000 00000000 ....\...........
0x00afee40: 00000000 00000000 00000001 014fd904 ..............O.
0x00afee50: 00afee9c 00afee68 014fdf21 00afef5c ....h...!.O.\...
0x00afee60: 00000000 00afef5c 00afef44 01440033 ....\...D...3.D.
0x00afee70: 00afef5c 00000000 52a7a580 01f470a4 \..........R.p..
0x00afee80: 41fc2eb8 41fc2f01 4b676a50 0000f1a8 ...A./.APjgK....
0x00afee90: 0bfac3a0 00000101 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afeea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afeeb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afeec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afeed0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afeee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afeef0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afef00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x00afef10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................