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    Sensor Systems, Electrochemistry, Physics...all ya Sciece stuff

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  1. I think the most suitable solution in future would be to read out the resolution values at the start via Unity's Screen API. If the user set position value then exceeds the current screen resolution simply a relative repositioning could be performed to keep everything in accesible ranges. I may also have a look how other modders tackle this particular issue...
  2. @Derrey Thank you for this helpful information! I will read through it and (hopefully) do a proper pull request. Great to hear you already know how to implement DM stuff...And yeah, sometimes spare time is a rare good (as I know best by me myself having an interesting but time consuming dayjob). Also, I realized you pushed out a new version a couple of days ago (V 1.2). Didn't catch this really, so I will have to adjust my code to the new version...Could take some days, but we aren't in a hurry, are we? In the meantime, here's a small glance at what my local modified version of your mod looks ingame:
  3. First thing I have to say is "THANK YOU" for your effort on creating this mod! Was looking forward to a mod similiar to ScienceAlert working in KSP 1.1.3...have been missing those features for a while now... Secondly, I have to admit that I dug a little bit into your code and managed to implement working compatibility to DMagic Orbital Sciences. (Also, I added a little "Stop Time Warp when Science available" feature). It was a little bit work to figure out how DM structured his mod, but I am now certain I have it working flawless... (Ok, code may be impovable on my side, but oh well, there's everytime sth. to do..) If you like, I can share my work with you. I'm really new to this github / KSP mod thing (though using modded KSP since pratically forever), so I apologize beforehand if this is not the correct way to share my experience
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