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Everything posted by KomradeKerman

  1. Well, I've installed CorrectCoL, and it does not seem that the fairing really does anything to change the center of lift or aerodynamic stability. I have followed this up with flight tests without the fairing, and I am encountering the same problem. This is inside the fairing. It's meant to carry six tourists and a pilot.
  2. Hello there. I've been designing a LKO tourist vehicle, and my latest version has begun to hit some strange snags. Despite the COL being below the COM at all times, this rocket tends to flip over whenever I begin my gravity turn. Even the slightest nudge east causes it to spin. Any suggestions?
  3. I've made some optimizations, and the turn speed has been cut in half.
  4. It takes about 10 seconds to turn around 180°, but that's really just my personal preference. I like stability over maneuverability. In fact, I'd say the plane now turns like a dream: it doesn't jerk about with the keyboard controls, but it isn't sluggish when I try to turn it.
  5. The angled wings actually don't really have any major effect. I had tried a similar design with straight wings and intakes on the underside, but that plane failed in a similar fashion. I have, however, added a rudder, and the plane now flies without any problems. Thanks for the help! I probably should have known to put a tail fin on it, but I thought I had been able to make planes without them before.
  6. I've been getting back into KSP, and wanted to try my luck at aircraft. I designed a fairly simple plane, but whenever I try to turn it off of the prograde marker even slightly, it spins out like crazy and I cannot regain control. https://youtu.be/u6BZjLiumqA I have several mods installed, but none of them affect physics or aerodynamics, and all parts in this plane are stock. EDIT: The issue has been resolved. Simply adding a rudder/vertical stabilizer eliminates this behavior.
  7. This is still happening to my pods, even with PhysicsSignificance set to 0.
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