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Posts posted by weregamer

  1. Thank you so much, that clarifies pretty much all the stuff that had me confused.

    5 hours ago, bewing said:

    Additionally, you always have to keep in mind that at most one air intake can ever be assigned to a single engine at any one time.

    Follow-up: Is this assignment dynamic or static? If I have one engine but two intakes - one that has a better low-speed volume and one that does better at high speed - will it switch over as I speed up?

  2. It's clear that it refers to a volumetric unit, and as I said there's lots of evidence, even within the game, that the amount that comes in an intake varies with speed.

    My point is, the numbers for the engines don't even seem to be related to the numbers for intakes. Intakes have tiny numbers - 0.2, 1, 2, all the way up to a huge five. But engines have numbers almost an order of magnitude higher - 5, 7, and in the case of the Goliath, 136!

    I can also imagine that maybe the engines are reporting maximum needs at some velocity (mach number), but they don't say what that velocity is, and again the Goliath *loses* power as it speeds up, so its low-speed intake should not be ten or more times lower than its maximum.

    Since so many people build successful jets, and I've even seen some nice analyses of intake performance at various speeds, I'm just baffled why there's no corresponding explanation or analysis for engines and how the numbers relate.

  3. I am completely baffled by what I see. A Goliath claims to require HUNDREDS of intake air, but in flight it's 100% satisfied at about Mach 1 with only about 40.

    I see in many places that different intakes lose efficacy at higher speeds, which makes sense. But why does it seem that an engine that says it needs 7 intake air runs just fine with an intake that gives 2? (Or 0.5?)


  4. The only mod I have installed that ought to be fiddling with this part is MechJeb Universal, which should only be adding the MechJeb Core function.

    I remember hitting this problem several years ago when I last played KSP, but thought it would have been fixed long ago.

    I have a cargo bay immediately behind the cockpit (I had hoped to use the visually-present hatch on the back to go EVA in the cargo bay, but it's not "real" the way the one on a Mk3 part is.) I can almost believe the opened cargo bay hatch could collide in some weird way with the location of a Kerbal coming out of the cockpit, but when it's closed it's exactly like any other Mk2 part...

    I will try building a plane with a fuel tank behind the cockpit to see if that works, and report back...

    For reference, my latest log is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rSsHA-YBVwSMZaMLhDekbi_odBWnFd_4/view?usp=sharing


    OH! Some experimentation found me an answer. I think it's crazy, but it's an answer.

    I had a tiny antenna (the surface-mount L1 one, rotated to run fore-and-aft) mounted on the top of the canopy - nowhere near the hatches, nowhere near where the Kerbal actually shows up on EVA. That was apparently the obstruction.


  5. So, I have an ISF cryo tank with liquid xenon in it. I have a xenon-using engine and a boatload of electricity. But that liquid xenon isn't used in the engine. I get the "out of fuel" animation immediately. MechJeb's delta-V calc also shows zero.

    Presumably it's easy to get gaseous Xenon from the liquid by just decanting it from the cryo tank and letting it warm up.

    What am I missing?

  6. So, after seeing the little "hanger" icon with Making History installed, I went looking and found both this mod and a set of Star Trek outfits for the kerbals built for an old version of it. "Perfect, if it works" I thought. The ST-TOS outfit colors map pretty darn well to Pilot/Scientist/Engineer and make for great recognition, as well as fun.

    Oddly, though, it only partly works. Valentina and rescuees (including one that I'd swapped to the stock alternate suit and one I hadn't) get their proper uniform colors, but Jeb, Bob, and Bill don't - they all get Science blue. I tried using the hanger to make KSP think they'd swapped, but it didn't fix it. Any ideas?


  7. Hmm, I cut a new log and, before uploading, went through it carefully myself. I had an outdated ClickThroughBlocker.

    While checking that, I noticed that my GameData directory has a folder called 000_ClickThroughBlocker, which matches what's in the zip file on spacedock, but also one called just "ClickThroughBlocker". Is there a story here, or should I just delete the one without the 000?

  8. I'm having a bizarre issue with this. I have gotten a little annoyed at the klunkiness of [X]Science and wanted an alternative; this sounds pretty cool.

    But it's not working right, and I don't know why.The icon shows up in my stock toolbar, it animates, and I get the bubbling-flask sound. On mouseover the tooltip appears for a very quick moment then disappears. Neither left nor right click on the icon do anything.

    It's as if the icon was not receiving mouse events after the first few ms.

    I know you are using ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController elsewhere, so I can't imagine that they are conflicts.

    I have a bunch of other stuff, but mostly parts-related and pretty common; except those two nothing is fiddling with the toolbar UI. Nothing interesting shows up in the log.

  9. This might be a variant on "stuck in landscape". I built a test rover on Kerbin, and sent it into the mountains to play. It's not there yet, still on the plains, but if I switch to it it, well it explodes! Separates explosively into two pieces in the middle, they fly up and come down and disintegrate.

    I am running 1.4.1 with a pretty short list of mods. Of them, only MechJeb affects rovers. I don't think I even have any parts with fuel on them for IFS to affect.

    I vaguely recall, back when I last played KSP a few years ago and BonVoyage was new, there was a similar problem that came from bad luck on sloped terrain, and the solution was basically never to switch to the rover when it was "moving".

  10. So I pulled the crew off my original Kerbin Station a long time ago, and recently got a contract to expand it. I build an automated craft with the missing parts, got it up, and got it docked. Both the new and old craft have at least one free docking port (beyond what's holding them together), both have antennae, and both have solar panels (the new one has lots, as it also has a refinery just in case I want one in Kerbin orbit).

    All of the mission checkboxes are checked *except* "have a docking port, and antenna, and can generate power". Huh?

    I'm wondering if there's a hidden requirement to actually have a Kerbal aboard. Is that the case?

  11. On 5/3/2016 at 8:51 PM, Vanamonde said:

    There is no way for a KSP part to partially fail.* Either the cabin survives with all occupants alive, or it's destroyed with all occupants killed. What exactly are the circumstances you are reporting? 

    * Apart from broken solar panels and flat rover tires, anyway. 

    How can I down-vote this proven-false answer?

  12. I just had the exact same thing happen to me. Two tourist cans, total of 7 tourists in them. I splashed down carefully, leaving SAS and RCS on "straight up". The vehicle was intact, but two tourists died. Totally reproducible from a quicksave right before reentry.

    I can buy the "water reached the can while still splashing down" idea an explanation, I think. Changes my entire understanding of touchdown simulation mechanics.

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