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Everything posted by citizenslave

  1. Ok, Squad. I'm legitimately impressed and I thought you should know it. I just updated to, and my orbit is completely stable. Talk about customer service. Talk about support. Talk about responsiveness, troubleshooting skills, physics genius. I expected to at least have to wait for the official 1.2 release. I think my 2400 hours already express how impressed I am with your game, but this issue has me eminently impressed by your development team. Way to go. Thank you for fixing this. My Kerbals' journeys continue.
  2. This had already been reported: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9619 But it does not seem to have been fixed.
  3. I am still experiencing orbital drift in 1.2. When in orbit below 100km, Ap and Pe drift in a manner that has caused orbits well clear of the terrain to crash into the surface. PLEASE, devs, fix this. Steam gives me 2403 hours in KSP. I don't think I can satisfactorily continue my career save with this bug.
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