@NavyFish Hey there. I tried to install this via CKAN and initially I couldn't. The key was that CKAN was checking the compatibility mod between the mod version and the game version. It seems like, as I run KSP 1.3.1, your mod was "listed" as "only" KSP1.3 compatible. I don't say this is a problem, just that some people that want to install it won't find it in the list even with a name filter or author filter. The workaround was to go to setting and set CKAN to check on more KSP version compatible mods (Settings, Compatible KSP versions), so setting it to check for 1.3 as well did the job for me. Can you modify the mod in order to be displayed on CKAN for KSP 1.3.1 too?
I'd say "nice mod, great job", but I haven't tested it myself yet, as I write this immediately after I downloaded it with CKAN, but after seeing all the positive reviews on yt and here in the comment, all I can say is: "Nice mod, great job" Keep it up.
Edit: Weird. After I posted this I thought I might get few screenshots, maybe that will help you figure out what I was talking about. Seems like I can't do it, since now, even if I set CKAN to display only KSP1.3.1 compatible mods, your mod still shows in the result feed. Restarting didn't help either. Sorry for not being able to provide images regarding this issue before fixing it