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  1. @Mecripp@NavyFish I just tested it and I don't seem to have any issues ingame. The only one that I had was while looking for DPAI on CKAN and couldn't find it. Now it's all good. Navyfish, I tried to uninstall the mod and then check if I can get some screenshots, but no success so far. Maybe if I reinstall CKAN, that will do, but since we figured out the problem, I don't think that's necessary. If you still need evidence, I might do it. Cya all around and as Scott Manley says: "Fly safe" xD
  2. I edited my previous post. Read the edit part. I'll try to find a way to get you some screenshots asap, if I manage somehow to do so.
  3. @NavyFish Hey there. I tried to install this via CKAN and initially I couldn't. The key was that CKAN was checking the compatibility mod between the mod version and the game version. It seems like, as I run KSP 1.3.1, your mod was "listed" as "only" KSP1.3 compatible. I don't say this is a problem, just that some people that want to install it won't find it in the list even with a name filter or author filter. The workaround was to go to setting and set CKAN to check on more KSP version compatible mods (Settings, Compatible KSP versions), so setting it to check for 1.3 as well did the job for me. Can you modify the mod in order to be displayed on CKAN for KSP 1.3.1 too? I'd say "nice mod, great job", but I haven't tested it myself yet, as I write this immediately after I downloaded it with CKAN, but after seeing all the positive reviews on yt and here in the comment, all I can say is: "Nice mod, great job" Keep it up. Edit: Weird. After I posted this I thought I might get few screenshots, maybe that will help you figure out what I was talking about. Seems like I can't do it, since now, even if I set CKAN to display only KSP1.3.1 compatible mods, your mod still shows in the result feed. Restarting didn't help either. Sorry for not being able to provide images regarding this issue before fixing it
  4. Thanks for your reply. I know is not working (yet) in 1.2, but that will be the same idea in 1.2 too, right? It will still carry the upgrade?! Also, if I'll have 2 rovers on 2 different bodies (Mun and Minmus for example), and I upgrade the Mun one, the Minmus one will be upgraded too, or after one upgrade, the upgrade applies only to future new built rovers?
  5. If we upgrade the Rover Brain, let's say for distance and decay (it's just an example), the upgrade applies to the current item/rover/part only or will it be available upgraded for the future rovers that we build? Like ... if I upgraded the current rover, then I end the mission, the next rover I build will have the Rover Brain upgraded(with all I upgraded before) or will it mount with default version, later to be upgraded again, as in the first time I launched it? Do upgraded part save somewhere, later to be used as upgraded part? I'm not sure I made myself clear, but I hope you guys get the idea of my question (english not my first language). Ty.
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