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  1. No doubt about your work (and other as well). Amazing The learning curve regarding all PQSMods is very long in time and i´m sure that i will get better results in the future. But you there is very little information and often very difficult to understand. And sometimes one guy says one thigh and other guy says the opposite so... Just trying to learn every day and i tank you all for the tips and info Tank you
  2. I´m not an expert (not even close), but i´m getting very good results on space engine. I´m not saying that using only code its worse than this method but for an average planet creator like e its a very useful tool. Also i created so far +- 15 different planets/ moons. and none of them are equal. I adjust every body to its actual heights , offsets etc etc.... I will post some photos to show some examples. As i say before i am really a beginner in planet creations, therefore i have much to learn still, i´m happy with this results. Tank you
  3. @TheSealBrigade It Worked!! Many tanks. Although i have find another way around i figured out that spaceengine ( were i get everything now ) export to dds exact format that KSP uses so normal map in dds and everything else in PNG format. works great. SO next step will be moons and improve this main planet. Once again tanks
  4. Uau! Tank you very much. Hope this works. Only one question, i use Photoshop to modify textures and so on and i save as dds using Nvidia plugin a bunch of options appear in a separate windows. what type of dds, compression, bitmaps etc etc? Tank you so much for your help. I will if you don't mind use your configs in my planet and try later this evening.
  5. Hello Everyone Newbie to the forum so Hi and tank you very much for everything so far. So my problem is light source , i created the planet and everything is ok except the light source that cames out from the sun. Here´s a pic and code. Pic: http://s14.postimg.org/a10fc75ap/Light_Source.jpg Code @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Scheat cacheFile = PlanetPack_Scheat/Scheat/Cache/Scheat.bin Template { name = Tylo removePQSMods = PQSMod_VertexHeightMap } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 0.513,0.545,0.513,1 inclination = 5.624 eccentricity = 0.066 semiMajorAxis = 130118820000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 } Properties { radius = 938200 geeASL = 0.18026 rotationPeriod = 1420960 rotates = true tidallyLocked = False description = Scheat is named after Beta-Pegasi, this strange planet keeps Kerbals very cautious, because in one hand its many moons and also because it looks like the surface of Scheat looks very delicious. timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 300 3000 6000 12000 24000 48000 60000 biomeMap = PlanetPack_Scheat/Scheat/PluginData/BiomeMap.png ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 10 inSpaceLowDataValue = 1 inSpaceHighDataValue = 10 recoveryValue = 10 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 216000 } Biomes { Biome { name = PlaceHolder value = 1.0 color = 0,1,0,1 } } } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = PlanetPack_Scheat/Scheat/Textures/Color normals = PlanetPack_Scheat/Scheat/Textures/Normal } } PQS { Mods { VertexColorMap { map = PlanetPack_Scheat/Scheat/Textures/Color.png order = 9999999 enabled = true } VertexHeightMap { map = PlanetPack_Scheat/Scheat/PluginData/Height.png offset = -282 deformity = 20000 enabled = true } } } } } Can anyone help me with this? Tank you
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