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Everything posted by Will_F

  1. Steam says I have just over 250 hrs in game. I have been mucking about in the Kerbin SOI primary because I am working towards goals in that area. I've thoroughly enjoyed tinkering with orbital stations, and missions to the Mun and Minmus. Frankly, I'd thought about going further, but there always seemed to be something else to do first (and I was having fun doing it) That said, I started reading this thread about a week ago, and decided to fire up a 1.1.2 career save, and amazingly, the window for Duna opened 12 game days later, and Eeloo 12 days after that. I've fired off my first interplanetary probes and fully expect the missions to be less than a stellar success, but I enjoyed planning and building (planning :/ Admittedly, rather slap-dash missions). So, thanks to the OP for unintentionally giving me a kick in the butt and out of the Kerbin SOI!
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