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  1. Thanks again. I never really intended to use it for the Mun anyways and landed a smaller version (minus the science lab, therefore minus some fuel and engine weight as well) a few minutes ago, though it was a basketball landing that took out my landing gear, my lights and all my science aside from the Jr I slapped on it. Also took out my comms. So useless landing that will not count(fro me) in it's miserable, laying sideways state, but closest to successful yet. I used the stairstepping and a little unexpected and not sufficient suicide burn. The mods will be for later use if they are as efficient as I've read, I was more concerned with setting it up properly, but if there is no update yet, then all seems properly set up and by the time an update is out, I may be ready to use it. Figured out 800 science, learned how to mod and left some junk on the Mun today. I think I've earned a space cigarette Thanks again everyone, you've helped the helpless, lol.
  2. Hey folks, I haven't even started at that landing yet, as I discovered a glaring issue with my science probes floating all over the place and gained myself a massive (to me anyways) 800 science, so I've been playing with that. In the meantime, a friend suggested mechjeb2 very strongly, suggesting I learned enough and it's time to make things more functional. Of course, now I have a question from my useless computer mind. This may not be the place for it, so just tell me to go to hell if so. I installed it and it's in my inventory and I've even attached it, but I have no idea how to make it function. Needless to say my very persistent friend had never used it himself because he got frustrated early and quit playing...could have told me that before I went for it!! Anyways, I searched around with my limited skills and found out (I think) that I needed some toolbar mod and everything was pointing to a very specific one and I placed the file where it said to place it. Problem being that it says I have a non supported version as it loads up the game and I see no toolbar upon entry. I'm playing 1.2 prerelease version of the game and I even figured out that I could go back to a previous stable version of the game, but that's too far back I think?? To even figure out what I have so far is a huge advancement in gaming, computer and internet usage for me, but at this point the discussions seemingly relevant to my issue get so muddled in version and numbers that my lack of experience is giving me a migraine. Any help or suggestions on this one? Again, sorry if this is not the right place for the question, but I was answered so well last time, that I feel like I may get the most direct and applicable response here. Also sorry if this is a complete dumbass question and I'm just being stupid.
  3. Thanks everyone. I had a quick skim through and immediately saw a few interesting pointers. Been busy, so sorry for the late response. The Mun will be mine!
  4. Hi all, I'm playing without mods or upgrades and I've taken the long road to this point, but the result is that I don't struggle with construction according to purpose after so many hours of trial and error. I can get to the Mun off a 2 stage burn into my initial Kerbal orbit and leave myself with an entry stage that gets me slowed below 100 m/s and I can keep that from around 50000m to 10000m. I have enough fuel to likely do what's needed in that stage, but its around this point that I can't seem to find a balance between coming down at a survivable speed and sending myself back out again. I've dropped that stage in an attempt to use the 4 engines on my landing shuttle to form a wider base of propulsion(no idea what I'm talking about, but grasping for straws at this point) but the same problem exists. Either I let it drop and can only slow it to 50 or 60m/s or I get it to around that descent rate and it starts burning back up again. Because it seems to all go south around the 50 or 60m/s mark, I've wondered if my lander is just too heavy and have no issue rebuilding, but it's also made me wonder about the science of it that I may not be grasping. Is there a height where I should be starting the burns to achieve some form of plateaus in speed reduction? Something else I'm oblivious to? Do I need a mod? Of all the frustrating, turned rewarding hours I've put into this game, slowly yo-yoing around the Mun in vain attempts to land while I could be going to other places, is killing me. Of course, I don't feel like I can move on until I've conquered the Mun landing, like the stubborn man I am. First time I've ever been on a forum, lol. Only this game could draw me out...killer game!!!
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