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  1. Interesting, CKAN was considering Firespitter, Firespitter Core and Firespitter Resources config as "required" before the last patch. With the patch only the core modul is considered "required" and therefore the firespitter mod can be absent while using ProbePlus!. Not sure why this was, but I assumed your modification was responsible for this change. Still: thanks for your work, KSP gains so much due to the modding community!
  2. Thanks for the quick fix of the standalone SAS issue (thx as well to puetzk)! And I'm also grateful for the reduce dependencies to firespitter:)
  3. Hi together, I try to use the CA-AACS on a CA06-"Quetzal" and thought I should no have more then the basic stabilizer available. But when enabling SAS i still have only the SAS capability of the probeat hand, no prograde/retrograde or any other option. Reading the description I can't identify whether I use it wrong or whether something is wrong. I use the current version downloaded via ckan.(ProbesPlus-BETA_0.14.1) Any hint/help/recommendation is highly appreciated!
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